Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reproductive Medicine, Hospital of Shaanxi Province is a scenic experience

 U.S. economist Joseph. Pine II and James. Gilmore in 1999 published Services for the stage, commodity props to the consumer as the center, to create will enable consumers to participate, consumers should remember the events. in consumer participation in the process, keep the memory of the process of long experience, the experience OK, I'm yours, not copied, non-transferable, so that consumers are willing to pay for the experience. Experience has demonstrated its unique value and consumers are willing to pay for this experience. with a commodity only in the agricultural economy value of 5 yuan, 10 yuan a time when the industrial economy in the service economy, the value of 20 yuan, in the experience economy, can the value of 30 yuan. This is because in the experience economy, consumers enjoy the highest rating of experience, but also willing to pay higher prices. In the . This has also resulted in experiences of different people have different subjective value, or even the same experience of the same people at different times have different values.
by Pine in the economic types can be divided into products, goods, services, experience. usually classified as the tourist services, but according to Pine and Gilmore on the experience of separation from the service's basic idea, to be exact, tourism is an out and out no doubt experience industry, which provides real value for the tourism industry way of thinking.
area today the management of tourism in particular, the general lack of proper marketing concept, management in many scenic areas where they believe that only by scenic beauty, consisting of buildings and other facilities, visitors enter the area, is a walk to see. This has led to many scenic tourist in a very primitive stage, the results of the number of tourists every situation Kusakabe, area departments do not reflect their own problems, but will This situation comes down to the external objective factors. This is a typical an experience
to establish a correct marketing concept, we must correctly understand the nature area, scenic nature is a product, from both tangible and intangible ingredients, either as buildings, recreational facilities, cultural Heritage and other similar specific things, it can be like the br> scenic products with different services in general. First, the area Xiang service objects (visitors) is provided by the use of a shared right. such as theme park visitor must go there with the other Youke share entertainment facilities around the park, you Deng Pagoda on the time and you can not ban people boarded the Pagoda at the same time. Second, the target area only to have the temporary right to use the product. tickets to various attractions can only use one day of consumption in one day. Third, Tourist's customers (tourists) to travel to the location of production (area) to consumer products. scenic location is fixed, therefore, to the scenic mode of transportation to the tour has become an integral part of the process.
therefore, is a scenic Chanpin nature of the experience. This experience is from the area of the intended visit and travel the program began. Next is the visit process, including scenic He left the area to travel, and scenic activities. Ultimately, the overall impression of the formation of travel.
impact on the scenic experience of the factors, the following points:
1, the visible part of the area. including the scenic architecture, cultural sites, shops, restaurants, etc. These will be visual experience to tourists, is the area of marketing foundation. such as the Pagoda area, including the Pagoda itself, wishful Court, Emperor Qianlong sunset monument, offering female champion Taiwan, Chin Tu Taan Bong Department, etc., which people experience the basic elements of the Pagoda. in accordance with the Pine statement, the workplace is the theater, provides the show's basic props, tourists get to experience the basis of area.
2, to experience the service elements. These elements include staff instrument appearance, attitude, behavior and abilities. If the theater to experience the area, then the staff area is the theater cast and crew's performance will give visitors a direct experience, it is necessary to make employees into the scenic area of the atmosphere, the formation of interaction with tourists cast and crew together to create a memorable and profound experiences of tourists.
3, visitor expectations, behavior and attitudes. visitors through various channels, learn the main scenic background of the subject area has its own expectations. such as going to the Pagoda of the tourists, will Pagoda involved, will form an experience, and this experience is to allow visitors to leave an unforgettable impression, all these will form a scenic experience.
4, scenic spots and tourist authorities have a number of factors beyond the control of . If, at any given time the composition of tourists visit the area; to the area to traffic conditions; weather conditions.
the relationship between these factors is complex, resulting in each customer's experience is different.
The following is the entire concept of scenic products:
There is no doubt part of the visible area is a part of the scenic experience, but we can see from the above analysis, scenic experience of visitors is actually an integrated experience. Therefore, the area marketing goal is to give the visitors the most memorable experience, so as to maintain the area's vitality.
China Planning Network Editor: Shan Xi Lixin China Planning Network reproduced Notes: this site free to reprint the article, but reproduced Please be sure to hyperlink the original source of the article marked

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