Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2011 history of Chinese journalism equivalent test guide exam questions (a) Reference answers

 1, the ancient Chinese newspaper produced in the Tang Dynasty according to what?
Newspapers produced in the Tang Dynasty in ancient China, the evidence: 1) Tang Qiao Sun's 2) The London Book of the Tang Dynasty Shouchao Bao received a urgent need to understand the dynamics court, Tang has had the issue of the newspaper's material conditions .2) As a result of imperial examination system, intellectuals concerned with career information.
2, why the ancient Chinese papers did not evolve into modern newspaper?
1 ) internal: This is the root cause. In the feudal autocratic system of government, ancient newspapers were strictly authoritarian rule in favor of positioning within the framework of the information content of long-term confined to affairs of state, stalled in the state of copy transfer official documents. As feudal rulers of information communication tools, the ancient system of feudal autocracy newspaper is something within the system. China is China's feudal society of ancient newspapers self-sufficient economy and imperial supremacy of a specific manifestation of the autocratic monarchy.
2) external causes: the Qing Dynasty Room and private reports the decline of newspapers do it, its historical background is changing the nature of Chinese society, the feudal policy of seclusion was broken, the Western capitalist economy into China market. from a subjective, because the official control of these newspapers are too stringent, newspaper Apart from copying and license to reproduce the said Section, the not overstepped, the ancient newspaper can not meet the growing demand for information; from an objective, it is both news, reviews, ads and literature, and many other content, highly readable, large amount of information, news timeliness of the modernization of strong new newspapers appeared.
3, outlined the development of ancient Chinese newspapers.
ancient Chinese newspapers, from the Tang Zhiqing, After a long process of development. has appeared in Di Bao, tabloids and newspapers, and other types of housing in Beijing newspaper reported. newspapers are extended to the private sector from government officials, went on to become an industry in society; from government-run mainly to the private-based, handsheets from similar news letters to the movable type printing product brochures, from the non-sale to peddle subscription fees, the general trend is in progress. But in the feudal autocratic system of government, ancient newspapers were strictly located in the framework of authoritarian rule in favor inside. as information dissemination tools of the feudal rulers, the ancient system of feudal autocracy newspaper is something within the system.
Kaiyuan Miscellaneous News: Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty palace outside the capital of Changan, the court issued on a daily points of the Emperor and Baiguan dynamic presentation affairs of state. This policy brief has been copied to find the field to enable the court to send the feudal class in the internal dynamics more widely spread. Tang Qiao Sun, Bulletin of the copy simple affairs of state, and called , there is no fixed header and name.
Di Bao: also known as instruments and the political affairs of state to know the news paper copy of information.
room Beijing newspaper reported: Di Bao Ming court does not print, but it is not prohibited to reprint articles for the content of the report Dibao room in Beijing reported. With the literati and information needs of citizens increases, the late Ming there is no official report on the name of a real newspaper quoted the official Beijing newspaper room. folk house out of Beijing newspaper reported the contents of the palace is basically copied, Edict and Zhangzou other.
4, the basic characteristics of Shishudibao.
Di Bao, also known as ;, its role is equivalent to today's news organizations in Beijing, focusing on affairs of state to convey the message, where the emperor decree, court officials and the officials appointment and removal of memorials and other transfers are required di Officials have copied the contents of the collection. ; private copies of the original house by the court, then later posted on the palace, made public private copies, so called > 5, briefly Street Bridge and the popular tabloid produced in the Song Dynasty reasons.
a kind of political news and current affairs material published mainly non-official newspapers from time to time, there is no fixed header and name. was called a habit, is the unofficial history of the earliest newspapers. begins prevalent in the Southern Song Dynasty. Content: court dynamic reports, Emperor Zhao Yu and so on. Contents Features: 1. time-sensitive .2. published The most pivotal sector of the court classified the incident were not disclosed, due to inconsistent statements on the ban by banning Zhao Ting .3. a wide range of readers, there are two kinds of handwriting and printing.
Song that there are potentially huge need for information. Folk ; tabloid, process.
reported, renamed changed monthly, still edited by Lin know, some foreign missionaries have been involved in the preparation work of .1907 on May 30 Lin died in Shanghai after the notice, After the publication was against the feudal diehards and jealousy. Westernization chief Zhang Seeing the situation, has also been shaken, and immediately reef steering, interference Agent Wang Hong Liang of utmost exclusion. The two sides around the important tool of political struggle, is the various classes, various political groups compete for the object.
8, Review of Liang Shu-E before and after the press thought the coup.
Liang early news ideas: that the function of newspapers is plug for Achieving Details of the provinces recorded in New Deal, Bo Search representations cases, next to the book containing political apprenticeship.
political reform after the failure of bourgeois reformists exile, put forward new ideas:
first newspaper ; said: one said that the Government and their supervisors; second is for those people and their guide;
the second is a measure of quality newspapers, the four criteria. First, given the high purpose; second, thinking of new and positive; third, and when the rich material; fourth, the report does the speed;
Third, the idea of a sound public opinion. In preparation Qing constitutional, he created a sound public opinion on how the issue was systematically studied . He believes that public opinion is the biggest social sanctions between heaven and earth force, newspapers are the most powerful organ of public opinion expression. newspapers should be in favor of a sound public opinion must have five: the holding of those who must have extensive knowledge; have the spirit of brute force ; to the purpose of safeguarding national interests; to come from the public mind, not pregnant with ideas and relying parties in order to determine the non-personal likes and dislikes; to be guided by truth, can not pull them with affection, as partial to the theory;
four the print advertising are two ways: the method of infiltration and incitement methods. invasive method is to make readers monasteries, subtle, and gradually accepted the view of persons; incite the way, is pretending to remark the reader Mengxing.
9, Liang briefly between 1895 and 1902, the newspaper activities.
famous reformist politicians and newspapers and activists. Liang earliest contacts with the press, is founded in editor Kang, Ji Wen, The compilation of a man has his work to complete. New Reform needs to Xuanzhuan Wei, Liang began at this time of reform and development of the Wang Tao style of newspaper political commentary, and gradually formed its own style. is world known as . After the Hundred Days Reform, Liang began to set up an independent newspaper, has organized the who was then called
Wang Tao in 1857 to participate in It is the first press of news in the history of political commentators, political commentator of his anti-imperialist, Changyan Reform, short and pithy, easy to understand, full of feeling, later developed into a new kind of newspaper style, after the development of the Liang, the literary world at that time reformers and leaders of the future a greater impact. After some of his political essays incorporated as the theoretical maximum achievement, laying the cornerstone of the modern theory of the press.
11, Wang Tao of China, the development of modern press What are the main contributions?
Wang Tao of China is not only active practitioners of the press and politics, but also the positive press and politics advocate. He was not only newspapers and political commentators of the earliest, but also a pioneer in the theory of telegraphy, the first democratic government to promote newspaper thinkers.
Wang Tao of the newspaper many of his ideological discourse scattered articles and letters. But He has also authored three monographs, focused on the views of the newspaper. It is the subject of three articles: Western China's own daily newspaper and benefit. On the one hand the practice from their own experience of newspaper experience. These views are reported to the era of advanced human wisdom, at the same time opened the Theory of Modern Newspaper precedent.
12, briefly Wang Tao of the newspaper stand .
Wang Tao of the newspaper idea can be roughly divided into three aspects: First, to promote press freedom of speech, democratic government. Second, stressing that the press for the rule. ethics, do their duty, Preparation of mining conditions movement. Lin in 1838, ordered the end of the imperial envoys, to Guangdong smoking, arrived in Guangzhou, immediately proposed a outside the newspaper. translated the main content of reports, including reports in China outside the political, military, trade and other aspects of coverage, as well as basic information on the introduction of Western countries. The second thought is based on profound patriotism .1842 Wei years, completed the introduction of Western Wei compiled the country's political, economic, military, history, geography, and other aspects of culture masterpiece point of view, the text reveals a very broad social and political functions of the newspaper.
14, > First, with news, special provision newspapers, is divided into four version of the layout of printing on both sides; columns layout based projects implemented by 1m6 font, different text, title and message priorities.
Third, Early Years, the opening of any correspondents in Beijing, writing for the paper newsletter.
these innovations it is to give readers a fresh, very popular line of imitation for many newspapers.
15, Introduction to the Publishing Activities of Taiyan.
Modern revolutionaries, thinkers, critics and the press of Great Masters .1903 and founder of the Old Austrian paper incomprehensible.
16, on the Revive China Society should be how to evaluate during the press?
1894 Nien Hsing in the Council has just set up in Honolulu, has long been founded on the use of the local Chinese newspaper forum .1900 mission in January Sun Shao-Bai founded in Hong Kong, a number of newspapers and magazines, to promote democratic revolution. bourgeois revolutionary Sun Yat-sen led the newspaper to the bourgeois revolutionaries, revolutionary activities from the beginning to the time when great attention to newspapers. in the whole during the Revolution, they founded a total of at home and abroad nearly a hundred and ten kinds of newspapers and periodicals. Through these newspapers to publicize their political views, to mobilize the masses rise up in revolution, the revolutionary development of the situation of democracy, played a great role in inspiring and motivating.
17, ; how the matter?
the Qing government to suppress the trend of bourgeois democratic revolution and cook the literary inquisition, is a well-known before the Revolution .1903 anti-political cases, the Zou Rong, ZHANG write sensational were the Army revolution chanted sacred Concession authorities to continue to promote the public shrine revolution struggle. contempt for imperialism and the Qing rulers in May of persecution .1904, Zhang, Zou, were sentenced to imprisonment for 3 years and 2 years of .1905, .1906 Zou Rong was tortured to death, the ZHANG released from prison. Through this incident, the suppression of the newspaper industry, resulting in a large number of journalists killed were arrested, the newspaper depression scourges, comes just Guichou Lunar New Year, so called Guichou reported news in the history of disaster.
1912 年 Yuan teach the assassination of Song Ren, the press reported that the quite dissatisfied with the depth, suppress the second revolution, the authorities began to clean up the opposition newspapers, newspapers reported that people were warned Communications, thwarted by the search, closed the door closed things have occurred. At the same time KMT Department of newspapers were all closed down. Shanghai region, Beijing accounts for 1 / 5. suffered a major blow .1913 Guichou years coincided with the lunar year, then press the newspaper publisher this year suffered the catastrophe known as the News in the history of the darkest year.
19, review the latter half of the 19th century occurred in the November in Shanghai established the first commercial Chinese-language newspaper. the beginning of the weekly. As the Annas by the British merchants. the United States Charles et al April 30, 1872, founded the main purpose for profit business newspaper. in a foreign-run newspapers and periodicals, authored by the Chinese government take charge, one. Founded in April 1894, 10 years after founding, the only Chinese newspaper in Shanghai, changed little. until the , July 2 in the same year Qiye changed daily. At the beginning of the operation and management measures taken?
Wang out with farming know the pain of the next. a long series of reports. Third, of great importance to the text published in Supplement. Fourth, a sideline business. ① founded the literary magazine; ② .1876 published in the vernacular News the first vernacular newspaper.; ③ .1877 Illustrated published in News stage of development. The journal is a large, current affairs and politics magazine, propaganda, meet the challenge. polemics just the beginning, Liang write tens of thousands of words frequently on some specific issues detailed observation is indeed profound, and often take the single gun battle, feel more and more force can not hold; the
the controversy around the following four major issues: first, if not for the national revolution to overthrow the Manchu rule; Second, we should not be the civil rights revolution, the establishment of a republic; Third, we should not implement the state-owned land The average land ownership; Fourth, the revolution will lead to imperialist intervention, the Chinese lead to partition.
this controversy continued until the 1907 Section Shanghai, formerly known as violent blow to feudalism, promote public awareness of thinking, as the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, to the spread of Marxism in China were thought to prepare public opinion, opening the way. (Lu Xun in the vernacular novel marks the Marxism. Chen compiled and distributed, China's organ of the Communist Party of the early organization of the foundation.
third phase (September 1920 m1922 in July): group of the CPC Shanghai launched the period for the establishment of the Communist Party of China made a significant contribution, and after the establishment of a theoretical journal of the party.
24, A Brief Introduction to the thinking of press activities and the significance of the press.
fen is an outstanding new-democratic revolution in China journalists, political commentator and publisher in October as .1926 patriot with socialist ideology, and actively promote anti-Japanese national salvation, become a national sensation, characteristics and personality, especially the well-known heart and dedication.
25, briefly appeared in China's broadcasting industry.
1923.1.23 China's first radio station Aosi Bang (United States) was founded in Shanghai, China Radio Corporation Radio;
1926.10.1 Chinese first Harbin, a government-run radio broadcast radio stations (Manchurian Liu Han)
1927.3.19 first Chinese private radio stations broadcast new company, Shanghai New
1928.8.1 of the Chinese Kuomintang first national radio station Central Broadcasting Station (Nanjing )

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