Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Detoxification of vegetables you eat the young age of 10

 Eat your vegetables, detoxification of environmental pollution 10 years younger, computer radiation, dietary habits, may cause the body to produce a variety of physical waste, toxic long-term accumulation in the body, it will lead to memory loss, sallow complexion, constipation, hemorrhoids and other diseases. Therefore, how to detox a lot of white-collar women's health topic of concern. In fact, we eat vegetables, there are many with a detoxifying effect. Vegetables detoxification method used, not only easy, nor side effects,UGG bailey button, why not?

kelp Efficacy: lower cholesterol, eliminate radioactive materials
kelp contains a substance called polysaccharide sulfate, to remove the attachment of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall, so to maintain normal cholesterol levels. Kelp alginate due to high moisture content, can form a gelatinous substance in the intestines and help eliminate toxic substances and prevent the body to absorb lead, cadmium and other heavy [url = javascript:;] metal [/ url], rid the body of Radioactive [url = javascript:;] elements [/ url], while helping to treat atherosclerosis and prevent the occurrence of constipation and colon cancer. Kelp also contains a lot of iodine, can stimulate the pituitary gland,UGG boots clearance, so that lower estrogen levels of women, ovarian function returned to normal, to eliminate the hidden dangers of breast hyperplasia.
Recommended Recipe: seaweed stewed duck
system of law:
chopped into small pieces of duck, seaweed and cut into the box, the duck and seaweed with water to boil, fishing to float at the end, add onions, ginger, cooking wine, pepper, duck Dunlan with the fire, plus salt, pan plate.

black fungus effect: the elimination of blood due to heat-toxin
fungus grows in damp cool environment, in medicine it has the qi and blood circulation, cooling moisture role, can eliminate toxic heat in the blood. Black fungus in the plant gum with a strong adhesive force, can be left in the body of impurities from the body within the digestive system, played the role of intestinal Qingwei polyester. Black fungus on the body of indigestible husk, wood residues, sand, metal shavings, etc. with the dissolution of gallstones, kidney stones, also have to resolve function. Black fungus can also reduce blood clots and prevent the occurrence of thrombosis.
Recommended Recipe: black fungus soup
system of law:
after the bubble hair washed black fungus, tofu cut into pieces, join the two with stewed chicken and salt, then after 10 minutes consumption.

bean effect: detoxification effect
Chinese medicine, green beans can be detoxification effect, can help the body's excretion of toxic substances, promote the body's normal metabolism . Green beans can be toxic hangover, mushroom poisoning, arsenic poisoning, organophosphate poisoning, lead poisoning, Dan Stone drugs, rat poison and other drugs. Mung bean also contains lower blood pressure and lipid components. Feeding green bean sprouts, treat due to lack of night blindness due to vitamin A, vitamin B2 tongue sores caused by inflammation and scrotal inflammation,UGG shoes, scurvy caused by lack of vitamin C and so on. Green mung bean sprouts off the Yuba name clothing, there are detoxification, eyesight back shade of power.
Recommended Recipe: Vinegar bean sprouts
system of law:
the green bean sprouts washed with boiling water quickly boiled, picked up after soaking in cold water and drain; the pepper in the pan fried Coke , remove the pepper, place onion soy pan, into the green bean sprouts, salt, sugar, vinegar,cheap UGG boots, MSG stir fry a few, with the wet starch thicken Serve.

carrot effect: to reduce mercury concentrations in vivo is an effective detoxification
carrot food and after the body of the mercury ion binding, can effectively lower blood concentrations of mercury ions, accelerate the discharge of mercury ions in vivo. Amber carrots contained potassium, helps prevent hardening of the arteries, lower cholesterol levels. Carotene contained in carrots can clear cause of human aging free radicals, which contain B vitamins and vitamin C and other nutrients are also soothing, anti-aging effect. Women eating carrots can reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer.
Recommended Recipe: carrot beef stew
system of law:
beef washed, cut, blanched in boiling water to the bloody fish out; the carrots washed, peeled, cut, and beef into the pot with a fire to boil, add seasoning to change the soft to medium heat until cooked.

garlic effect: to reduce lead levels in the body contains the spicy garlic
Su, the disinfection of penicillin can be achieved 1 / 10, you can play against influenza, prevent infections, treatment of infectious diseases and the role of de-worming. Garlic contains allicin, can be combined into non-toxic and lead compounds, can effectively prevent lead poisoning. Garlic has the fat and the role of prevention of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, and prevent thrombosis. Garlic also increases the liver's detoxification function, blocking the synthesis of carcinogenic nitrosamines.
Recommended Recipe: garlic chicken
system of law:
the hot oil in wok, add tomatoes, garlic and stir-fired several times, add chicken broth, salt and pepper, stew over low heat 4 -5 minutes, the eggs into the soup for 5 minutes after 3-edible.

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