Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Professor Yang Yi Academic Question 2

 Fourth, triple meanings: First, the broken junk, figurative reading of the ground; second break of the break, as many think and reflect on reading Yu; third breakthrough broken, Yu have read the original spirit. mm to talk about is reading this. Of course, , such as your less critical of the negative factors in Chinese culture, but always dig and explain the positive significance of Chinese culture. When you here is to explain The Micro secluded explore new way. held the position of this building, your starting point What?
A. Since we have put things as a process, including the metabolic process itself, not unilaterally say criticism, but criticism and start both. scholars to live in the contemporary, from knowledge to understanding contemporary academic thought. Contemporary What is it? contemporary is in the process of this. Contemporary China after 30 years of rapid sustainable development, has become the world's third-largest economy. According to data released by National Bureau of Statistics, in 2007 China's GDP has been over Germany, the economic scale is 70 times the beginning of reform and opening-.2008 Wall Street financial crisis when the United States shook the world economy, China is seen as power of academic and cultural style is deep and broad, imbued with the original spirit of the aggressive edge and wisdom of the charm. But deep and broad, to be painstaking efforts, hard effort, the plot profoundly successful fusion of Chinese and foreign ancient and modern, enlightenment Shenzhan the argument by afford the test of history. aggressive elan, then the advocate breaking the stereotypes, abandoned shallow, predecessors did not send the reply. original wisdom, you need to look great, excellent insight to the creative culture of open discourse and theoretical situation. If even the originality of their own country and academic achievements of academic opinion, can not sway the mind to be recognized Tan, to be sure, what is the power of academic manners at all? ignore their academic originality, but some are not mature, no foundation, and even the value of implicit bias unconventional special external argument chase less fear, which, if not impetuous style of study is the more necessary, not kneeling to standing posture, to solemnly empty floating rather than the attitude of earnest review, which opened 30 years which have made substantial academic progress? What are the academic achievements of the national culture revitalization is useful? which academic opinion Seed of Thought have both astray? What is the academic foundation and wisdom can have long-term effects? which academic speculation is a bubble? These should conscientiously sum up, sum up a guide, summarized well, will the style of study-oriented firm, the bright academic future-oriented. A world of contemporary thought and culture responsible big country, should be to their own vision and courage, of their five thousand years of civilization, the history of a hundred years of struggle three decades of revitalization of history, gives a real deep, One Hundred Years Liyan a strong civilization? That should be our technical, economic management, and ignorance is the key to the development of advanced, healthy, enjoys popular support for China's national conditions and the academic humanities. This is why the British philosopher Francis Bacon said: people well, natural science makes profound moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend. and natural sciences in terms of the. Imagine that, if left into human culture and thinking in the absence of philosophy, history, memory loss, lack of poetic beauty in life, so can we talk about the Master of man, civilization, civilized it? Over the years, my research gradually expanded, from modern to classical literary Chinese, learn from the narrative poetry, literature of ethnic minorities by the Chinese literature, from the modern dating back to the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, and then traced back to the Chu Ci and study the occurrence of pre-Qin philosophers , paraneoplastic International Comparison and methodology, exercises a kind of The random read reading habits, but in the end also by the spirit of the age, vitality and historical conditions of the stimulus provided by the intention of tracking the academic character of the modern great power, ideology and culture in the development of modern China to find their own ownership, value and responsibility in order to enhance their own wisdom and open source.
asked on the past and the future of Chinese culture, you have been optimistic. In fact, more people are pessimistic. You is so optimistic, in addition to not want to repeat what others say other than, obviously there deeper consideration. Please tell us what you think.
A. I have said so-called discuss how to adjust and correct their academic and cultural state of mind. We should be out in the culture fanatic words such as ; you? eyes, open mind and accept the world's civilization and culture of human essence. philology There is also a became both the traditional civilization, or the results of foreign civilizations, the Chinese from the semantics associated with each other than, of the profound meaning of the three thought process is interesting, from a deeper, than the dialogue, of a new record.
In the ideological and cultural fields to create China's own value system and school management system, we need to maintain good cultural awareness, integrated learning reflection, exploration of the research source, open up a new realm. in the modern world view and the Chinese created position, nourish a class almost reference, but can not replace self-created, but can not use it to denigrate self-creation. In recent years, since the increase in the culture of self-confidence has made Guoxue warming, it would have to dive down to intermediation through the history of philosophers, and out of School the snobbish behavior. Guoxue modern form, should be foundation of a nation's dignity, and contains all of the broad, open up new territory in the fresh, even say, dignity, broad, fresh and should become the modern form of National Learning . This should be promoted,
asked both into the three-volume published in recent years, : Last year (2009) is the 90th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement May Fourth Movement, the discipline of modern Chinese literature is both historical starting point, but also the twentieth century the most important spiritual resources. In your opinion, the May Fourth Movement of the uniqueness of Chinese culture, what is the ?
A May Fourth Movement has been 90 years now, there are already enough time and space for us to be creative reflection, to re-look at the May Fourth Movement, mm to rethink the question how a modern great power to build their own cultural spirit ? Fourth is great, while the May Fourth Movement is a great unfinished. It's great that the Chinese thought, culture and society made a start, but it is not completed because it is just a start. rely on an Enlightenment Movement can not solve all problems in China, but also a social system of innovation and economic development of society as a whole. So, the May Fourth Movement left a huge space for us to create, but we must also great predecessors should also but also to create sufficient space for the modern.
China is an ancient civilization, after a long accumulation of culture inevitably gradually rigid body, also had a lot of waste, as older people are reluctant to throw away even the scrap metal as waste too much room, new and useful things can not come. and the May Fourth Movement drastic blow away the cobwebs on the ideology and culture, for our land of thorns in the development of a new space opened in the clouds of mist ambitious vision. Fourth on behalf of the Chinese cultural patterns and cultural destiny of new possibilities. human process of modernization has created a lot of material wealth and spiritual wealth, we have to understand, to absorb the May Fourth Movement, we see the world very, very challenging, not behind closed doors development. Meanwhile, the May Fourth Movement also opened a new trend of the times, urged us to inspirational innovation and creativity, ideas, culture and social system reform should be carried out in all aspects of creation, must be decisively decided to well on its way before walking. Fourth and provides us with a new dimension of thinking, since then, we can think with the conservative revolution, enlightenment and salvation, science and democracy and other issues, these are the trend with the rush to the May Fourth Movement The. Open thinking is very important to us from China's own needs, China's own problems, China's own feelings, and even the dignity of the Chinese people themselves, by virtue of this knowledge and some foundations and foreign, to our knowledge re-cleaning , coding, and portfolio, humanism, scientism provide ways of thinking and ideas to our knowledge of the results involved in the system, re-understanding, re-creation. This is good, then be fully released by the Chinese people's wisdom, is enough to make our country to new horizons, new glories.
old material, waste of natural in the old thing inside, something so old, and also easy to waste, but waste is not the same as the old material. to a certain time, we have in the old material re-pick and choose, the selection of value. Xun for the May Fourth Movement worried. In a finding that great event in the past, there have been many people to be the results of its propaganda, rather than a total revolution and conservative issues. Xun concern is will fall into a people; people who worry about the May Fourth Movement, but it is really the person to follow the spirit of the May Fourth Movement. see the twenties and thirties of last century the spirit of the history of Chinese intellectuals, they created a variety of myths, its purpose is to find a seating for themselves. On the contrary, those who lost the May Fourth Movement was a loss, but added because of love of over-cutting, worries grow wherever. Xun in the interpretation of the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, when stressed two issues, one is the vernacular movement, one stylistic innovation. Lu Xun, the Vernacular Movement was successful, but the vernacular progressive thinking can do both articles, the same can also be used to make the decadent thinking of the article, so it needs ideological revolution. Lu Xun and, finally, social reforms, which are made for social reform pilot. May Fourth Movement, tried a lot of new style. novel status was inflated, and the success of essays is still fiction, drama, poetry on top. William Shakespeare as a play St., did not arouse much interest, it touches everyone Ibsen said that good reason is because the Fourth is an exploratory, individual active era, rather than classical era, a real effort to go through the classic.
the May Fourth Movement as a great beginning Start the Chinese culture and modern society to a modern holistic transformation, which is its greatness, but it does not complete, there is no good solution to the entire transition design. modern people should be more creative, and not to repeat it. Fourth spirit is to move to open up, do not move to open up the repeat, can not be counted Fourth spirit. should have such a conscious, culturally noisy all day, not to engage in economic development, not to engage in social reform, many problems can not be solved. We should make sure that the value of the May Fourth Movement, it is our great heritage, it had not completed some of the propositions we need to make up classes; the same time, the development of modern society needs a lot of new creation, not the person to complete the May Fourth generation good planning, we should in the new era of timely development of new propositions put forward new ideas and cultural creation. Xun then repeated to say that he had a quarter of the world feeling, the feeling is concern for the fate of his generation sense of responsibility. generation a generation way of thinking, feeling way, we should not over-indulge dreams and miss the historical opportunity. In my opinion, to create the modern culture in the direction of the May Fourth Movement to further move forward the idea to create a culture of modern system of power in order to promote in the new century a century of modern Chinese people power to achieve the dream, is it not the best spirit of the May Fourth cultural inheritance you?
asked a second question: modern scholars (especially the May Fourth generation) regardless of is the study of Western or discussion, Authentic Chinese literature, old pattern of restraint, and insisted that The article repeated the key words. Why so much emphasis on literature, we should examine the whole of modern literature for literature for a nation where its location, and then thinking about how to build a great nation worthy of five thousand years of literary power demeanor, prompted us to literary creation and literary thought in high profile independent nations of the world. the human need to create the spirit lifted, does not value the creative spirit that every step away. With the vision of ancient literature, and then back to the attention of modern literature, a high degree of concern will be the intersection ancient and modern Chinese culture, multi-zone multi-ethnic structure of the overall total, and its face in the process of modernization and globalization, the cultural background of the times when the attitude and cultural strategies. modern literature value also lies in such a big commitment of civilization to be blood transmission and transformation of modernity, while the modern West in the absorption of wisdom, to activate their own creative potential. this potential, does not rule out the existence of modern culture to create a rich cultural resources related to past and present. But this place is too tough. accepted Some of the Western Enlightenment and effects, how to rebuild our great country civilized? the oriental civilization in their own tradition and transformation of what things can be inherited, and in Western civilization but also to learn and digest what what? Western impact in secondary schools , confrontation, communication and integration process, which may produce alloys and ideological culture created? think about a culture and a number of fundamental issues between cultures, thinking the whole civilization, the integrity of the whole question of literature, as is the cultural awareness of the problem the purpose.
culture is basically a process that should be understood as a verb of the text of the change, evolution, civilized, into, are verbs. action have life, have the power, have a future. Without the May Fourth step, our culture is not the way it could be many Hunkui ideas, there are many remnant, Yi Shao smell it. there is that step and then went to the place where it needs with the contemporary world, we have to re-reflection rethink what we do now. not to say that roads are the truth ah Fourth, we do not demanding it, but also do not think it will be able to conquer the world, as if cultural issues can do nothing of the later generations. Fourth generation breakthrough With anxious when psychological, since the fate of the country so heavy, and cultural vitality so bad, then they would allow that generation to rise, with a sort of extreme emotion, which is totally understandable, even necessary. extreme is the heavy under the pressure of survival and development of a burst of vitality and form a critical form of vitality or resistance, no strong criticism and resistance, can not shake the deep-rooted in the old forces, the culture can not be used to effectively remove the waste. But in the period of peaceful construction, Li Kui, as everywhere, you have to play like a resort, it seems somewhat out of it. In the new context, Li Kui's not as Lu Ban's resort for tricks are cut cut Pipi, but it is a miracle to create a civilization. So cultural construction and newly created, one is to be placed in a large field of vision seen in history, one is to be placed in a large field of vision seen in the world, many of the problems in this The new interpretation of historical reason. None of us are qualified to say: ah, the May Fourth almost worthless. them that generation can not do it? the form of their own history, did a very great things, carry live in a dark heavy gates, into the light of our road, a reasonable man in the cultural space will come up. We are all beneficiaries of the spirit of the May Fourth Movement. But now this generation has been in the vast wilderness, and the old gate has been quite far away. The new gate may be another gate, not, at least not necessarily the time that the gate of the May Fourth Movement. the bad thing is recorded in ancient accounts, the only show that our modern incompetent. each generation have the value of each generation and the creation of responsibility. We have to talk about personal values and responsibilities of individuals, generation to generation do not speak the value of responsibility? this is not very logical it? the value of the May Fourth generation, and that the responsibility is that they seize the opportunity to do that on behalf of the people they should do, not wear their greatness be called through the ages. But now people need to consciously do things that modern people should do for the Chinese culture the modern great powers of the new Road, can not move forward, or imitate others, it is not sterile. Each generation should be no exception, creating their own culture of the times proposition, the pace of cultural attitude and culture, or history will be misunderstood, lost self. so I'm more than a decade before it was proposed that we should inherit the May Fourth Movement, out of the May Fourth Movement, to modern great power is more grand and rich, more full of self-innovation capability and cultural realm. today's culture should be the theme: the return of this based on the creation, in creating the premise back to this, creativity of our nation's cultural face the challenges of globalization more deep roots, encouraging creativity, vitality. National capacity should be with the times, There is no other way out, all quality wise, is this not our Humanity Road, where you?
2010  7   4 Revision
(This article was published in )

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