Thursday, February 24, 2011


 Home is in the image of men and women of God who restored the main environment. In the family inside, parents and children can fully express themselves, meet each other a sense of belonging, love, and intimacy needs. At home, personal identity can be established, also able to sense the value of personal development. By the grace of God, the family is a true Christian will be the kinds of principle into practice, where the values of Christianity to the place from generation to generation.
home may be a a very happy place, but may also be a terrible hurt the community. harmonious family life can truly live the kinds of Christian principles and underlines the character of God. Unfortunately, in the modern family, few families demonstrate these features. On the contrary, many families who revealed that the hearts of selfish thoughts and desires noisy, rebellious, strife, anger, rudeness, and even cruel. These features are not part of the original plan of God. Jesus said: The joy and sense of belonging, regardless of time, place and culture is. The establishment of these two systems, so that God created the Earth reached its peak in the great work. This is the time of his creation given in the last, best gift of human beings. by the establishment of the Sabbath, God has given people time to rest and renew their strength, a time of fellowship with Him. formed by the first family, he set up a human basic unit of society and give them a sense of belonging, and give them the opportunity to develop into perfect person to serve God and others.
1. in accordance with the image of God made them male and female
record 1:26,27, describing God created the earth that will live in the human: Let us make man in our image, according to Our likeness, hh God created man according to his own image, the image of God he created them male and female. person the image of a woman were created by men (Note 1). On the contrary, men and women are made in accordance with the image of God and.
as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is God as male and female together constitute the As God, even though they have to be one, but their different functions. their status, value is the same, but different from each other (see Jn 10:30; Corinthians 11:3). They body are complementary to each other mutual support their function is.
male and female sex is good (Gen. 1:31). They play different roles are also good. family and home is to build gender on the differences. God could not make men and women on the ground and reproduction of life, as some animals to asexual reproduction as shown by the way. But God made the something that the other party does not have, which can complement the inadequacies of the other party. in order to have real satisfaction. here is no equality, because the men and women are essential.
who was the first born of Adam, in his first day of creation became a human head (Note 3), he who feel that they do not have another like him unique. Well, I will make him a helper fit for him. stand preposition meaning that someone or something rather, as his deputy. In this way, to immediately recognized this particular action caused by the creation of close relationships. he exclaimed, finally there is the same I planted. l woman r, because she was a man from the l r taken out of him. one. The first Friday, he held the first wedding, his image of the two people who have combined to make them into one. Since then, the marriage has become the cornerstone of the family, the foundation of society.
The Bible describes marriage is a combination of both is a double separation of decisive action:
of marriage important thing is: to leave before the main relationship. marriage relationship to replace the relationship between parents and children. From this sense that the relationship with their parents to leave to allow him to combine with another person . The lack of this process, there is no solid marriage foundation.
(2) combined with the spouse
that translated as and strength, depicts the nature of the conjugal union. Any attempt to break this combination will harm individuals in intimate relationships. The Bible also uses this same verb to express a combination of God and His people. God, serve him, and cleave him (20) These have emphasized the combination of this world is a combination of intimacy.
(3) marriage
in the Bible, this is closely related to the parties to the marriage vow or promise, to be called about , the pattern of an everlasting covenant (Ephesians 5:21-33). husband and wife promise to each other, there must be some kind of faithfulness of God forever and persistence (verse 89:34; sad 3:23).
God family and marriage of the parties with family and friends, belong to groups, witness their covenant with each other. This is about heaven and approval take effect. only couples to understand marriage is a covenant, as long as two live, let the faithful to each other (Note 5).
(4) become one
leave their parents and spouses covenant with, the result is the mystery of the joint. This is a full-fledged in-one combination of a couple lines together, stand together, sharing a deep intimacy. the beginning, this one refers to the physical one. In addition, it also refers to the support of one body mind and emotional intimacy with.
a. to his peers
of the relationship with His people, God said: 3) The words of the two will become one of the people who are also applicable. God had taught the people of Israel not to intermarry with neighboring countries. For they will turn away thy son from following the Lord, to serve other gods (Deuteronomy 7: 4; see the book 23:11-13). When the Israelites despised the lessons to terrible consequences occurred (Chapter 14-16 persons; Kings 11:1-10; La 9:10).
Paul wider reaffirmed this principle: and it? believers and unbelievers are infidel? God's temple and idols what the same? because we are the temple of the living God.
scripture to believers only marry believers, but the scope of application of this principle more than that. The real need for unity in faith and life on the line. religious experience is different, resulting in different lifestyles, resulting in extreme The tension in the formation of reefs marriage. So to achieve the unity of what the Bible says, people should marry someone from their church (Note 6).
b. If two people stand together to
become one, to be completely faithful to each other. A man got married, but he braved the danger of losing everything, and accept all the partners bring. marriage claim that they are willing to share the partner's responsibility to stand together with a partner the face of everything. Marriage requires a positive, persistent love.
their happiness, their pain, their hopes, their fears, their successes and their failures. l a r means one of two people in the spirit, soul and body in all aspects into one, but they are still or different of the individual. with the desire to each other, that is, since Adam and Eve days, all men and women who feel the desire to repeat itself every couple of TV drama is the story of first love. For them, the sexual intimacy of the action, that they may closest in physical combination. It represents the couple in love, some intimacy with the soul can. Christian marriage, love, should have the warmth, joy, happiness to their characteristics (Proverbs 5:18,19) .
Hebrews stressed, it is not dirty, there is no sin, not fallen. It is a great honor marriage in the most holy place where the couple meet at this privately to each other to celebrate their love. it is both extremely happy and holy moment. encourage each other in the image of God, the human spirit, soul and body to grow in all aspects. marriage, using different ways of expressing love. it has a romantic moment with the warm, rich feeling the moment, the moment itself, accompanied by a time and the phase is the moment. but constitute a real, lasting, love-based marriage, but described in the New Testament, selfless, full of love for others (agape).
Jesus bore our sins and crimes consequences, he took the cross, showing that the highest type of love. the outcome, He loves us, this is the unconditional love of Jesus (agape).
Paul describes this kind of love, said: not proud, not rude, not for their own benefit, not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, do not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes, always perseveres. Love never ends . types of love stop when hh continue to function regardless of the circumstances, the heart does go on. No matter how the other person is cute, agape kind of love can continue to surge. Agape this love is unconditional, just as God loves us the same. It is based on the considered will of the selected state of mind. Select charge (Corinthians 5:10). the meaning of responsibility because they never made their own things and blame each other. They are also responsible for their own spiritual growth. No one can rely on another person's spiritual capacity. On the other hand, each relationship with God, may become another source of strength and encouragement.
two people fall on Marriage
God reflected in man's image, because distortions caused by the crime, the exact impact on the marriage, as its impact on other aspects of the same human. in the original is completely dominated by the love and unity of place, selfish interference is coming. those who are not inspired by the love of Christ to do The main motive is selfish. it represents the Gospel subdued, and serve to give the principles of contrast, is a common factor in the failure of all Christians.
Adam and Eve because they do not obey, destroy their purpose of creation . crimes before they are completely calm to live before God. crime, they can not be happy to come before Him, but fear of hiding, afraid to see his face, to hide the facts about their own and refused their behavior. they can not erase the deep buck guilt, so that they dare not to look to God and angels. Since then, escape and self-righteousness, to become the common mode of relations between men and gods.
that drives them to hide fear, not only distort the relationship between God and Adam and Eve, also distorts the relationship between them. When God asked them, they both seek to harm others in order to protect themselves. their complaints, reveal when God created established for their love relationship has suffered severe damage.
crime, God told the woman said: This does not change with the basic principle of equality between men and women, so that the first couple, and the subsequent benefit of all couples married (Note 10). Unfortunately, this principle has been distorted, and from then on, the ability to use manipulation, resulting in the destruction of individuality, since the marriage became a history characteristic. self-centered, so that mutual acceptance and appreciation has become a rare thing.
essence of Christianity, but live in sacrifice for the sake of harmony, which marriage before the fall of human characteristics, but the crime of undermining the harmony. the love between husband and wife is happy to help each other. Everyone should seek each other's happiness, they want one, but they are not each loss of individuality that are of God (Note 11).
Third, deviation from God's ideal
1. polygamy
several one spouse, with God in the Garden of Eden set up a combination of the first marriage and One the contrary. in polygamy in, there is no such thing as the so-called emotional specificity. Although the Bible describes marriage polygamous ancestors Age is a cultural fact, but the description clearly shows that those who did not reach the sacred marriage ideal situation. that marriage involved in various small units of power struggle, bitter resentment and alienation among (see Chapter 16 record; see 29:16-30:24), and using children as a weapon to hurt others at home. < br> monogamous marriage and the couple a sense of belonging, enhance their intimacy with the combination. They know the relationship between each other but unique, no other people involved that they have made. monogamous marriage relationship, most clearly reflected the relationship between Christ and the Church, and personal relationship with God (Note 12).
2. adulterous
modern thought and style, so the couple alive in the marriage of true commitment to each other, no human attention. The Bible is, as any sexual relations outside of marriage is sin. seventh commandment is still valid, has not changed: . this commandment, to defend the marriage absolutely.
the Bible's view on sexual immorality, and today the :10-12; Proverbs 6:24-32; 7:6-27; Corinthians 6:9,13,18; plus 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Thessalonians 4:3, etc.).
This kinds of illicit sexual relations, with both broad and deep impact. This behavior deceive a legitimate sexual partner, may be physical, emotional, financial, legal, and social life, hurt him or her, but also hurt the whole family. If the children involved, including, in particular, will be hurt. these illegal sexual relations may lead to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, illegal baby is born. there emerges in these matters, lies and dishonesty of the suspicions, the destruction of trust, may never can not be recovered. even without the lessons of the Bible to condemn this unethical behavior, and leads to a series of unfortunate consequences, it should be enough to warn people not Wang Xing these things.
3. unclean thoughts
Crime is not only the external behavior, is also about soul, deep and thought patterns. springs Ruoyi pollution, the river will not be clean. Jesus, knowing that human behavior is stored from the bottom of one's inner motivation. the evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. saying: l shall not commit adultery. r But I tell you that anyone who saw a woman with lust, which his heart has already committed adultery with her. , ruin people's imagination to the extreme. it produces pornographic films and porn, in the Christian life is no place. They not only encourage illegal relationships, will also be dismissed as simply men and women of the object, distorted the nature real meaning, so that the image of God has become blurred. Christians are called to have a pure mind, degree of clean living, because they are prepared to eternity, a clean society life.
4. incest
some parents over the health of children to express affection to the limits of their emotional and physical had a love affair. This is often due to a sexual relationship is ignored, so that the child had been selected to play the role of the spouse. This limits vague, often occur among brothers and sisters, or extended family.
the Old Testament prohibition of incest (Lev. 18:6-29; application 27:20-23), the New Testament also condemns such things (I Cor 5 :1-5). The damage to the child abuse, sexual development, should not have caused shame and guilt, and even into the future marriage life. When parents over these boundaries, they are more damaging to a child development sense of trust and faith in God that stake.
5. divorce
spoken word of Jesus, the Bible can be summed up the lessons of the divorce. 19:6; can 10:7-9) Marriage is sacred, because God has been so sanctified. In the end God will be with the couple, not just the person's words or behavior. So, is God approved their union. Therefore Christians divorce and remarry understanding must be based on the Bible.
words of Jesus clearly understood by the Christian Bible on the principle of divorce: God to become a stable and lasting relationship of marriage. When the Pharisees asked Lord, marital disharmony constitutes grounds for divorce, He said that Eden's marriage patterns, but never a combination. When they pressed him further on the rules of divorce Moses, He said: hardness of heart, so the promise you repudiation. But it was not the case. 32; 19:9).
Jesus response to the Pharisees, clearly demonstrates his understanding of the faithful than they are deeper. from what he says, and the Old Testament from the new principles relating to marriage , one can say that God wants people who get married in order to be reflective of the combined image of God forever.
spouse's infidelity or even, not necessarily to force the marriage ended in divorce. Cross the road to encourage deep repentance, forgive and remove the root of resentment. even in the case of adultery, and that victims of spouse, and should be pardoned by God and good ability to make people seek to maintain the will of God in the creation of the time. adultery is not necessarily better than any other sin hh destroy your marriage if you are willing to forgive, to give you a negative attitude, God will be very happy to heal you, rekindle your love with each other. > Although the ideal of the sanctity of marriage is the union of love forever, until one died so far, but sometimes because of the spouse or child physical abuse, making the legal separation become necessary. obtained a divorce in this case when the way is feasible. But such a separation or divorce, if not related to marital infidelities, the other party did not remarry, commit adultery or death to any party not to remarry in accordance with the Bible, while others rights. > 6.
God created gay men and women are different to each other, but also mutually reinforcing. God is so rows of God so that they point to the feelings of the opposite sex. are different and inter-related features, makes the sexes to each other attracted, in order to form a healthy relationship.
In some cases, even affect the crime had this basic direction, creating a reverse phenomenon. In such cases, students tend to heterosexual orientation day, change to the person the same sex.
Bible strongly condemns homosexuality (Genesis 19:4-10; Utah 7-8; Lee 18:22; 20:13; Law 1:26-28; advance 1:8-10) . such things seriously distorted the image of God upon men and women.
because attitude towards those who suffer such a disorder people. They have to show that Christ committed adultery with the woman towards the attitude: 11) not only those who have homosexual tendencies, all stuck in the cause of anxiety, shame, guilt and the relationship between the behavior of people who need a trained and experienced member of the Christian Association about the counseling. no act is saving grace of God can not help (note 15).
four, the family
God created Adam and Eve, the governance of this world the right to give them (Gen. 1:26; 2:15). They organized the first family, the first church, society is acquired. Therefore, the community is built on marriage and family. because they are the only human inhabitants on earth, God commanded them to over this land. married Christian, the main lesson is still obligated to raise children. married men and women set foot on this road, you should be thinking of the ideal of the family of God.
1. parents
(1) father < br> The Bible given as a husband, a father who served as head of the family and home responsibilities of priests (West 3:18-21; Peter 3:1-8). he became the Christ, the pre-form, head of the church. For the husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, he is the Savior of the church. the church submits to Christ in everything, so also wives should submit to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up. to clean water by the word church as holy, you can present it to himself a glorious church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. husband When still love his wife as their own bodies. loves his wife loves himself. advocates, should be judged on her husband. the image of the servant carry the cross, at the expense of her husband but also to lead the way. gentle, use their power. When the Spirit of Christ, when control of her husband, the wife's obedience will bring rest and blessing, because he would like the requirements of the Church of Christ in general, only a wife for those results is useful for those who do hh Husbands who Yandu word of God, not find the wife as to obey, but his line to get the Christ, how the heart, a pure and gentle person, worthy head of the family. father as the family priest who, to be like Abraham, as in the beginning of the day to gather the family around, hand them over to God to take care of. evening, he will bring them praise God for the blessings he gives thanks to Him. This to the family of God in the first place of worship, they will be bound together (Note 18).
wise father will spend time in the body of his children. child may learn many lessons from his father, such as respect for the mother, loving mother , Dear God, the importance of prayer, love other people, work methods, modesty, love of nature and love of God creatures. However, if rarely at home, his father, the children are deprived of the privilege and joy.
people need to consider the family as the cause of hh in the twentieth century, the wife and mother as a lifelong career, almost unique, which is a very challenging task. a waste of effort? grateful for the work of an unmanned ? a loss of dignity of the slaves? No, it contains one of the most exciting possibility that it could change the times, to save mankind, change history, but also do so in the ever-expanding circle of people who can hear, can experience things. . because she is to become the mother of all human beings, her name (Hebrew Chawwah) from > Reproduction is not Adam or Eve, as exclusive or proprietary rights of the same is true for parents. The latter two can be a shared responsibility. now it should be, not only in childbearing, as is true in parenting children. To Father, who is the mother, have their certain responsibilities and these responsibilities should be based as best as the. 127:3)
2. children
(1) give priority to parents who
for owners and their spouses in addition to the commitments made, there is no more than they brought in more children in this world responsibility. they should put the interests of children and development of their own comfort above; children into the world not of their choice, should allow them to get the best possible start in life. because of the impact of parents who will be greatly affected spiritual, intellectual, physical health, so before the birth of the child not to be the child's welfare as a priority (Note 22).
parents love should be unconditional love and sacrifice. Although It will never be completely paid off, but must have a love child, to the good life self-image and mental health. a must to win the love of children, or one was not accepted, taken seriously the child, will try to get some of undesirable behavior to the love of their parents, and those who will take root and become bad behavior habits (Note 23).
feel safe in their parents love the child, it will automatically contact with people. They can be taught to accept and to give, other than there are living in self-justification. children can learn the glory of God grew.
(3) dedicated
Christian parents should be presented as soon as the child of God Services . Seventh-day Adventist Church will be the dedication to prepare for such a simple ceremony. In this ceremony, parents will be their children in prayer to God, as Joseph, Mary, Jesus in the Temple will be dedicated to God as (Luke 2:22-39). so, the child as a member of the spiritual family, began his life. Church of the faithful to him as a child of God and Christ's body, a limb, to participate in his spiritual development and social life.
In this ceremony, the parents presented themselves to teach children to use of the Lord, so that the image of God in the child's body shape. To this end, parents Jiuyao often their children to Sabbath School and worship, so that children in the early years to become a physical body of Christ. Yihou children to school age, parents, and make every effort to respect the church, so that he or she received Christian education, to further foster children love for the Lord.
(4) often carried out by parents to teach
spiritual teachings, but a process, the child at every stage of life, continued the conduct. for the scriptures; also written on the door frames of your houses and on your gates. Single parents can not raise children by the family of spiritual worship, it must be through faith in Jesus that they frequently, often in their way of life, clothing, and even home decor show. in a Christian children's growth process, so that They know God the same as their parents love them, is important.
(5) learn obedience
22:6) This cultivated the result? teach more than just punishment. punishment usually only deal with the past, and discipline, the focus of the future. parenting is a training process, in which children are trained to follow the example of their parents, receive guidance, such as loyalty, honesty, equality, consistency, patience, order, compassion, generosity and hard working, etc., that is an important principle to teach him.
When the kids to learn obedience from the heart, the authority in their lives they would not have been constituted problems. But the type of learning is also very important to obey. true not only because of the obedience required to do so, but because from the heart. The secret of obedience is born again.

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