Monday, February 28, 2011

You know your wife's sex secret you

 Sex is an indispensable aspect of married life, and some couples on each other's requirements, sexual performance, sexual satisfaction is a lack of understanding, especially some of the husband does not know his wife's criticism and blame will cause loss of sexual desire for his wife. women often have the life as one interconnected, inseparable. husband's words and actions are affecting their emotions. So, praise, praise, intimacy, hugging have become essential. husband bought his wife a bouquet of flowers, send a little gift, the wife will be happy from the bottom of my heart, which is a harmonious sexual life is very useful.
2, as many women share the feelings of first class event. Leith. Edward particular through the investigation, found that 75% of women had extramarital affair because of behavior can not be at home and exchange feelings and her husband, who is not primarily because of the demands are not met and to find lovers, but for more warmth of the interlocutor. For most women, communication and emotional than sexual life important, therefore, must be caring, his wife as a husband, a lot, and they talk, dinner table and the bed of the joy of happiness are closely related.
3, the women worried. studies show that only 60% of women reach orgasm during intercourse. American Psychologist Babu Qie analysis said to husband and wife relationship, sometimes close to the body enough to ecstasy. Many men think that the responsibility of a good husband to his wife during sexual intercourse get the most pleasure, this is actually a plausible view. Babu Qie said that the purpose of sex is still love. If you love through sexual intercourse to enhance the purpose of it was achieved. blindly the pursuit of orgasm, only to put pressure on his wife.
Another concern is that women not what your body, body fat, his face wrinkles, fear of losing their appeal in front of her husband. When the wife does not beautiful Do not say she was gorgeous, the husband should tell his wife to her charms, and she said you do not care about her now from the bottom of my heart is pretty.
4, after the women need to gentle sex life, many women complained that they are in Fox often feel after sexual intercourse alone, because her husband with . daily life they desire to embrace and kiss her husband. But many men tend to not doing enough in this respect, they are rarely intimate with his wife, or the intimacy before sexual intercourse was less than enthusiastic, and this often makes wife unhappy. non-intentional touch and caressed his wife's sexy area, it is very necessary. to understand his wife's sexy area, some parts of the body has a special sensitivity, when the appropriate stimulation of these areas, can cause sexual excitement, it said a sexy area, male and female erogenous zones are different. Nanzi erogenous zones include: the penis of the neck, the coronary sulcus; Yinjing tie, which is located below the glans; Department of penis skin, in particular, to go along the lines of the skin Niaodao In addition, the skin between the anus and the scrotum, scrotum and inner thigh skin surface under the gentle touch has a sexual sensitivity. female erogenous zones include: the clitoris and its surrounding; the inner surface of the labia minora and vagina peripheral, breast and nipple is rich in nerve endings, with sexual sensitivity. some foreign scholars fingertips, lips, tongue and other parts are also included in this sensitive area, but are heavily influenced by psychological state of these parts of .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

080 621 West Huangfu Ping slave specimens (Zhou Ruijin); put this on record,

 West specimen 080,621 slaves: Huangfu Ping (Zhou Ruijin); put this on record, The first is the level of the Huangpu, which is actually a writing team,
1991 year, the Shanghai municipal official newspaper Ruijin, which was the original not clear, Huangfu Ping inexplicably pop up in fact some may be to show himself again in the Otherwise the media will not easily agree to the use of the writing team Huangfu Ping name of the first.
2, where the problem Zhou Ruijin
He has two dimension.
Jinglian first is similar to that Thirty years ago the idea of holding the rest on its laurels, the detailed description of the Wu.
second, more serious, it is particularly reflected in Tibet, three hundred and fourteen events on the comments, It was at this point, the show has been Zhou Ruijin beyond the Wu Jinglian, if Jinglian just because of his economic thought was the West slaves taught unconscious capture, showing rest on our laurels state of the case, Zhou Ruijin in the core national reunification began to mixed sand, this behavior, at best is Hu yaobang like naive, at worst is a grudge against her because this time mm major touchstone.
3, the positioning of the article overview of the whole chapter
, as long as there is sufficient resolution, can both sides of the objective from the surface words, the articles look at the letter which is totally western slaves taught the article, from the reference of display.
that may show the name of the reformist banner nowadays many people have fallen to what extent, why the things decay. This is the so-called democrats, as are the abduction and use of Western slavery democracy and reform the hats, and under its cover, frequently attack other anti-reform, anti-democratic, everyone knows, democracy and reform, the culprit is none other than their own.
4, the timing of this article
the smoke In 2008 this paper is very sensitive to the three decades when the review and future prospects coming out, and Southern Conference have reported that the thirtieth anniversary of emancipating the mind and echo each other, reflected in the West is still trying to teach slaves to maintain their own mainstream, especially In the past two years many ideas of the West more and more slaves to teach the case in question.
From this perspective, this article is still taught in the West for their own slaves cheer, trying to continue to affect the way high-level decision-making.
This is a brief analysis of Zhou Ruijin and the writing team, led by Huangfu Ping, with the track and after close investigation, there may be more insider tapped.

Huangfu Ping: fear clouds block our sight
【, 100-day countdown to the Beijing Olympic Games.
from March 30, held in Greece since the Olympic torch handover ceremony, which flies very quiet month. torch from London, Paris, San Francisco, reached New Delhi, Canberra, Nagano, Seoul, both by local residents and overseas Chinese, students studying for the warm welcome, but also caused some discontent in Tibet, the Chinese government practices of people lined the streets to protest. To ensure the smooth progress of the torch is passed, countries had to take the police security line, temporary diversions shorten the journey, the torch being extinguished, arrest protesters and other measures. Along the way, support the Beijing Olympic Games overseas Chinese, students and support for Tibet so burning two of China's Tibetan ethnic culture in the East and West.
hosting the Olympic Games, the Chinese people's hopes for the past century. When it was finally held to be grand in the Chinese capital, when suddenly we encounter so embarrassed. In When we bid two Baozhan passion, once thought the Olympics was in the family courtyard Dataichangxi from showcase to the world the rise of nation, peace and prosperity of the stage; did not take into account, the Olympics, like a telescope, the host country Focus on the various flaws and unsatisfactory high magnification. We in the subconscious, and look forward to marvel at the world through the Beijing Olympics the achievements of China's modernization drive, so that Chinese around the world proud. but we are not clearly aware of all peoples, mass media, NGO (non-governmental organizations), including certain political forces do not have the embrace of the Olympic Games are also on the governance of our country, talking about the habit of doing things, and look forward to hosting the Olympic Games in China in the process of democracy, human rights, rule of law significant change.
two different trends of Chinese and foreign expectations collide with each other, of course not help to take the Olympic torch relay, set off the embarrassing situation. the Olympic Games was originally the opportunities and challenges both sides of a coin .
Olympic China into the world's desire to
Beijing Olympics and Shanghai World Expo, China's accession to WTO, opening up the United Nations peacekeeping force, and so on, all reflect the Chinese people into the mainstream of world civilization in good faith desire of the Chinese Government's solemn commitment to the international community. no need to, not because of pressure from external and internal concerns, and change the direction we are moving.
the start of reform, Deng Xiaoping visited Japan, the United States, China, to promote big country out of the Mao Zedong era of isolation. In Japan, Deng Xiaoping visited the new production lines and is 99 times FAW in Changchun, China, Nissan Motor Company, the emotion, said: Deng watch horses race, the Knights took over a cowboy hat, worn on the head. a *** heads of state to embrace American culture markers, freeze-frame the moment by the media, become the symbol of China's open door.
the end of the Cold War, the era of multi-polar world, although there are still remnants of the interference of the Cold War mentality, the Chinese people still seize the opportunity to promote the institutionalization of opening up.
*** the third generation leader of the political arena on the eve of departure, was invited U.S. President George W. Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, walks, boating, for the Sino-US strategic partnership between the foundation.
the efforts of China's accession to WTO and domestic concerns encountered hostile attack in Western history barrier, Zhu Rongji visited the United States afraid of infamy, and then the Americans in Beijing, personally negotiating with the thorny issue of the last seven. According to the Chinese chief negotiator Long recalled, when the Americans thrown out the first three issues, Zhu Rongji, is only one answer: said: Vice Premier Wu Yi, a former foreign trade, actively promote the integration of China into the world economy to deal with rational and restrained foreign trade disputes. in the U.S. intellectual property rights negotiations, the Americans said, : defenders of China. China is the third of the world have the other. China did not remain outside the high-tech, China is the world's second-largest country and the largest mobile Internet countries, 221 million Internet users, 539 million mobile phone users. in the economic integration, technological integration at the same time, China's modern political system, social management, and cultural exchanges has also made great efforts. PRC publicly declared that the rule of law, democracy as the goal, to expand political participation, democratic party, anti-corruption, administrative reform are split step forward.
from the public to the Government, the Chinese support and care for the Beijing Olympic Games so represents a kind of stand up in the culture, communication with the world equal and sincere effort to look forward. China adopted opening-up has been exactly 30 years, the Chinese people in the Hegelian end of the year with action sigh: to borrow a Chinese TV Political 80s film cloudy to clear.
We have moved from closed to open.
years after the Yellow River alone, saw the blue sea.
Western cultural hegemony
backlash among Chinese people is regrettable that China and the world civilization and the good will and sincere docking often been profoundly cultural bias of Western media, a considerable part of the national government and even a misunderstanding. these cultural differences, economic barriers and political arrogance, military strike, it is easy for young people to Lenovo of China backlog from the Opium War from the heart of a century of national humiliation.
say this caused a great uproar in the international issue of Tibet, it appeared once in the history of the centrifugal tendencies, are related with the mischief of British imperialism. British troops invaded East Asia, Gyantse, the Tibetan army fight back to defend the homeland. Thirteenth Dalai Lama had cast Although the British anti-exile in India's bumpy, but in the end their senses and return to Lhasa, the Central Government to re-submission, firmly rejected the British concocted brave Tibetans, the Tibetan leader clearly knows, is the cohesion of the Chinese nation, an important component of combat effectiveness, so that China's territorial integrity and political forces deter malicious think twice.
in the month, we are shocking to see the new China was founded 59 years of political discrimination, the Chinese nation since the Opium War 168 years of cultural contempt for China's reform started 30 years after the rejection of a peaceful rise, still exist. Some even show hysterical symptoms. CNN host Jack Cafferty said that Chinese were protest China's young people understand that, but they do not agree with acts of resistance. China is a WTO member countries have called for boycott of foreign goods and businesses, not a smart move. We must guard against narrow nationalism and populist ideology of young people impact, the Government also needs to take measures to prevent landslides in China's investment environment. However, I have to draw the West to understand and respect the historical tragedy of the stagnation of the Chinese people, as well as some Western media during the Olympic torch relay in China's poor belittle the due to a rebound. There is bound to force a reaction, it is worth serious reflection of Western society.
many Chinese young people can not forgive some Western media and NGO, as they riot in Lhasa and other Tibetan-inhabited areas the truth of the Han possession of the complex ethnic relations between the rich and made the cut and one-sided subjective interpretation. in Lhasa, into large-scale victim; obviously throw gold by the central government to support Tibet's development sprinkle of silver, the introduction of talents from the Mainland to support basic education, access to modern technology, the construction of the railway into Tibet, despite the efforts of the Department is not perfect, but all was said into the deliberate destruction of Tibet's traditional culture, this is not the lack of basic fairness and justice? Do Tibetan Westerners want to live forever in our traffic behind, lack of information, living by hunting and gathering society to a standstill at the expense of national time , West of the mountain sanctuary to meet the aesthetic appreciation?
many Chinese young people can not forgive some Western media and the NGO, because they and the Chinese government the Chinese people's enthusiasm for the Olympics, but also cynical. the organization of the Olympic Games details of our very interesting conversation, although the use of international practice up a little bit strange, clumsy, and often well-intentioned to do stupid things, but after all, represent the Chinese people and the world civilization active docking attempt, including a dialogue with the Western culture. But our sincerity and efforts, like a face, like the Olympic torch relay dogged some western people, this is not tolerant, and it is not wise.
we have to guard against external
in protest against the intolerance of Western cultural hegemony, political conspiracy against possible time, we must ask ourselves. like the Olympic Games and the WTO, both to help China to share universal human civilization bonuses, but also reflects the requirements of the international community to China, rather than the will of their own in China. World carrying on the international system there is no free ride. emphasis on the cultural differences of the Olympic spirit of tolerance and beyond, we citizens of the world's mind, to know and understand different cultures, different values, and Institute of diverse environment in harmony. in the West cultural barriers between the wall, both sides need to split from the West. our own way of doing things, with the international community's way of communication, presentation, what needs improvement?
China have had outside of intolerance .1972 year, Premier Zhou Enlai invited to be the Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni film documentary in China, , was severely criticized. acknowledged this in a file have occurred sad misunderstanding and rejection. tao China's first diplomat, served as minister in the British and French during the literati Can He was Manchao as destroyed, after the resignation of Guo plead illness, returned home, the door was the squire paste posters on the defamation and insults.
Today, we are strong and powerful expression to the West of China's national interests and national dignity, we also need to keep and acquire a diverse and inclusive culture mentality. We need to express their position in a rational manner, and has been carefully treated with different voices. disabled torch bearer Jin Jing in Paris with the body to protect the torch, we can praise her loudly; when she opposed resist the ; will exist for a long, long time we need to communicate, including an explanation or counter-criticism, and readily accept another culture of scrutiny. in the West believe in freedom of expression, information disclosure and cultural environment, malicious and hostile reporting only one a voice, we can express dissatisfaction, but can not be expected to completely disappear.
in diverse media environment, news reports reflect the views of all parties in general, or balanced. we need only try to increase China's position appeal. news reporting is a dynamic process, owing to the closure and cultural barriers that lead to false reports, in the continued development of the situation, follow-up reports are supplemented and corrected. an Olympic Games just around the corner of the country, not because some false and malicious reports, leading people on a large-scale foreign mainstream media hostility. because the mainstream media behind a considerable portion of the host country may be public opinion. the differences between public opinion and public opinion, can only be resolved through dialogue.
Western cultural barriers exacerbate An important factor is the information gap between the West. We must continue to improve the transparency of information within China, but also highly respect the Chinese people's right to know. faced with an emergency, mass incidents, involving ethnic relations and religious issues, must be promptly reported, frank and transparent public information, it will not fall down. We can not expect a well-established by the domestic media controls that achieve the desired effect of foreign propaganda, must learn a wide range of voice for media relations, including emergency crisis public relations. in Lhasa, the authenticity of the scene in the riot police mm considerable restraint. This shows that foreign journalists do not have a political bias, but not all hostile elements.
China needs social stability, public power authority to require proper maintenance of social order, but the public authority can and must run out into the sunlight. transparent and open is the best way through the crisis. I agree with Deputy Director of the State Council Information Office Cai riots in Lhasa, according to Reuters after the statement: The Chinese Government will not blame the outside world angry, it will not block players have a negative evaluation of the content written in the blog, I hope the Olympics as the world's press with a different perspective of a turning point in China.
we should see more clearly, the economic strength than a successful Olympics, Sports strengths, it is important to have political, cultural, social, and other people's quality of soft power. only by economic take-off, sports gold medal from the male to stare, technical pressure world, it is just self-satisfaction, self-loss image.
treatment requires a high degree of ethnic and religious relations humanities
Tibet, Xinjiang and Taiwan, involves China's core interests, namely national sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is a premise. In this context, there are many specific issues, including national and religious issues, social issues, historical issues, you need to analyze specific issues.
the development of the Chinese people longing for peace, and a small number of Tibetan separatist violence, of course, is incompatible elements. This is a national cause, major. But the Sino-Tibetan For a long time between the two groups have not yet complete ablation of the barriers, misunderstanding, resentment, not all major issues. Therefore, patient communication and seek consensus honest. Han as the political, economic, occupies a leading position on the national long-term, in particular, need the courage to admit their shortcomings and deficiencies, in particular, have the courage to reflect on the history of the harm to the Tibetans. Donkey diesel feed, wheat bran has become the Tibetans looting the food. In the poor people can not afford to even the point of the bowl. Panchen Lama angrily goes to seventy-word memorial to Mao Zedong, in that era of black and white reversed but imprisoned in Qincheng prison.
we have every reason to declare the reform opening, Hu devoted to the Tibetan people filled the truth, the central government supports Tibet Qingnangerchu. 10 yuan in Tibet, there are fiscal nine yuan from the central government transfer payments per capita GDP in Tibet .2007 more than 12,000 yuan, higher than the number of mainland provinces and municipalities. Tibet earlier in the country to achieve the urban and rural compulsory education free of charge, full coverage of medical insurance for urban residents, including farmers and herdsmen can enjoy 100 yuan per person per year Medicaid, although this standard is still quite low. The central government enormous amounts of money, repair the Potala Palace, Norbulingka and Sakya Monastery, Tibet nine Buddhist organization works, also organized collation and publishing of Tibetan . support for aid to environment, to stop grazing on the grassland, forest resources, deforestation, over-exploitation of the killing of rare animals.
for the Dalai Lama, we should firmly reiterated its opposition to Tibetan separatist, political principled stand against violence , but also good at doing spiritual and cultural dimensions of communication and criticism. Dalai Lama good to include the demands of political interests, packing a pair to defend a spiritual and cultural purity. simply affix political labels, or even personal abuse, dismissed face and the recognition process of economic development in Tibet, there is inevitably some social problems, such as how to more harmonious relationship between cadres and grassroots level, the mainland business and how the common prosperity of local Tibetans. We need a more flexible mechanism of social management system and autonomous to avoid the politicization of social issues. wise leader is always good at the political, ideological problem decomposition, evolution is one of specific social issues, make the best use of each break, not the other, frequently made of different interests of different groups interest demands labeled as freed in a more pragmatic attitude in dealing with Tibet's unique ethnic and religious conflicts and social problems.
Han Chinese and Tibetans share a common history of respected figures such as Confucius, Guan Yu, Bao Zheng. In ancient times, Tibetan and pro-between, repaired, to mourn, meetings, the letters presented endless. Jokhang Temple in Lhasa before the Tablet of Tang and Tibet, Tibetan commensurate with uncle and nephew. Tang Princess Wen Cheng marrying Tibetan King Songtsan, the PLA entered Lhasa in the early liberation of all brought from the mainland of advanced science and technology and cultural achievements. Tibetan Buddhism also sow the mainland. Beijing's Lama Temple, Summer Palace, the White Pagoda Temple, the Tar Monastery in Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Hohhot Zhao Temple, Mount Wutai in Shanxi Province, Hangzhou the Temple, are permeated with the Tibetan architecture, sculpture and murals. Tibet has greatly improved the land reform the social status of farmers and herdsmen, Sino-Tibetan relations there is no fundamental change in the social fundamentals, on the Sino-Tibetan ethnic harmony have full confidence .
I agree with Phoenix TV political commentator's view: the central government officials, ethnic minorities and religious affairs requires a high degree of ethnology, anthropology, literacy, be able to enter the inner world of Tibetan people, familiar with the obsession of Tibetan culture level. Qianlong emperor to host the Sixth Panchen, Tibetan cramming respect to the emperor. I suggest that the government has positioned itself might stand higher, not only do the defenders of social order, you can also play a more harmonic Ding Nai's social arbiter role, do the Chinese Sino-Tibetan family in the gap between the two great nations, misunderstanding, conflict, the arbitrator, but also may wish to do within the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and radical violent elements (such as the Tibetan Youth Congress) in between the arbitrator. Here, I think of Emperor Kangxi period of motto: And the border from the solid, is also the so-called united. civilizations, the Brahmaputra is the Eurasian Plate and the Indian plate collision in the cracks. Roof of the World Plateau, elevation three times higher than Mount Tai, the Brahmaputra, should not be a barrier between different civilizations.
Chinese Ambassador Fu Ying in the worried about the Chinese people and between people's perception of the West, will soon go against. came to Beijing, will inevitably bring about a number of different values and social evaluation perspective. Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee's repeated calls not to politicize the Olympics, hoping to avoid the Beijing Olympics Tibet, human rights, same problem. but we can not require all foreigners in Beijing come just for sports, but can not ask them to judge the issue as we observed. We will treat positions consistent with their voice? This is a test for our integration into globalization.
clearly Government as soon as possible the role of government from the Almighty to get out, in the face of the international community can not require all the main floor are from the same perspective, with a position statement. Central Government is concerned about national unity and social order; Beijing Municipal Government is concerned about the safety of Beijing , transport, counter-terrorism; Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee concerned the normal, undisturbed.
At the same time, may wish to encourage market-oriented media, NGO, Network They made the issue of Tibet and the Beijing Olympic Games, independent reports and comments can be sent with the Government's position is not exactly the same sound. In recent years, Xiamen PX incident, snowstorms in the south, the network of citizen journalists to the scene Ta Fang spontaneous shot back first-hand reports, official media reports make up less than defect. The riots in Lhasa, if you allow and encourage the residents of Lhasa, the victims, tourists on the Internet about their own knowledge and feelings, for let the world know the truth and the Chinese riots voice, is certainly more good than harm. As the improvement of economic and human rights in Tibet, the progress of national policy, modernization of Tibet, the impact of cultural identity, misunderstandings between Chinese and Tibetan, hostility and resolve, by the non-governmental organizations and the effects are better people to comment. diversity of information transparency and public opinion, is skillfully deflected the question, a good way hostile digestion.
remember very quiet in the same relations with the West in 1999, from May I Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, 12 Sino-US bilateral WTO agreement signed by more than half a year to reverse the critical situation. from the West, the torch relay controversy, to the Beijing Olympics 100 days left, time is more urgent! The good news is that abroad the know- people in their efforts in order to dilute the sour upcoming event, create a harmonious.
storm vortex from the flame in Paris, the French Senate Speaker Christian. Poncelet arrived in Shanghai on April 21, a landing aircraft to go visited in Paris, protesters attacked the disabled suffered torchbearer Jin Jing. Speaker to be filled with a girl that Shanghai French President Nicolas Sarkozy's condolence letter to the Jin Jing in Paris by the expressed concern consider how to ease anger from China.
recently met with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, NBC (NBC) Dick, chairman of the Olympic Games. Ebb Saul and his party. in the Chinese media and the public sternly criticized CNN, questioned Western mainstream media coverage of Lhasa riots seriously inaccurate and hostile to China, Vice-President from the face of NBC's Olympic coverage, said is an unusual position. We must take the initiative to communicate with the international media to find ways to encourage objective and fair coverage and reduce mutual hostility demonized.
Chinese government Xinhua News Agency released news recently with the Dalai Lama's personal representative for contact consultations. social movement theory, the classic argument is that for moderate to radical crowded out. Fatah and Hamas, the United States is one such strategy, it is worth learning from. we urge the Dalai Lama can play their the influence of militant violence in the Tibetan constraints and effectively meet the Nobel Peace Prize winner's identity, including the Tibetans, including more on China's peaceful development of good things.
fact, the Chinese Government has to create and open environment appropriate to the Olympic Games, made a great effort. respect for the Olympic practices, the Chinese government from January 1, 2007, the relaxation of restrictions interview with foreign journalists in China, to the field no longer requires special application interview, To interview organizations or individuals may consent. The Department also spread all over the world rise. China has exported household appliances, shoes, textiles, China should also strive for value part of the expression of awareness of human rights and pluralism is essentially the same. before and after the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games may be some noise, is itself part of the Olympic culture. not to show the Olympics in hand, the sanctity of mind, frequently accused of others against the Olympic spirit. rashly blame others to avoid create an open and harmonious environment of public opinion should be respected in the international community to do a member. to borrow on the mainland of the slogan: between between urban and rural areas, the gap between nations, barriers, misunderstandings and historical grievances. We host the Games, confirmed the existence of such defects and deficiencies and the like, but, as Premier Wen Jiabao in the country this year two
scientific advancements, economic globalization in 2008, not the medieval Crusades, but not the Boxers and Qing Dynasty ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011


 Home is in the image of men and women of God who restored the main environment. In the family inside, parents and children can fully express themselves, meet each other a sense of belonging, love, and intimacy needs. At home, personal identity can be established, also able to sense the value of personal development. By the grace of God, the family is a true Christian will be the kinds of principle into practice, where the values of Christianity to the place from generation to generation.
home may be a a very happy place, but may also be a terrible hurt the community. harmonious family life can truly live the kinds of Christian principles and underlines the character of God. Unfortunately, in the modern family, few families demonstrate these features. On the contrary, many families who revealed that the hearts of selfish thoughts and desires noisy, rebellious, strife, anger, rudeness, and even cruel. These features are not part of the original plan of God. Jesus said: The joy and sense of belonging, regardless of time, place and culture is. The establishment of these two systems, so that God created the Earth reached its peak in the great work. This is the time of his creation given in the last, best gift of human beings. by the establishment of the Sabbath, God has given people time to rest and renew their strength, a time of fellowship with Him. formed by the first family, he set up a human basic unit of society and give them a sense of belonging, and give them the opportunity to develop into perfect person to serve God and others.
1. in accordance with the image of God made them male and female
record 1:26,27, describing God created the earth that will live in the human: Let us make man in our image, according to Our likeness, hh God created man according to his own image, the image of God he created them male and female. person the image of a woman were created by men (Note 1). On the contrary, men and women are made in accordance with the image of God and.
as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is God as male and female together constitute the As God, even though they have to be one, but their different functions. their status, value is the same, but different from each other (see Jn 10:30; Corinthians 11:3). They body are complementary to each other mutual support their function is.
male and female sex is good (Gen. 1:31). They play different roles are also good. family and home is to build gender on the differences. God could not make men and women on the ground and reproduction of life, as some animals to asexual reproduction as shown by the way. But God made the something that the other party does not have, which can complement the inadequacies of the other party. in order to have real satisfaction. here is no equality, because the men and women are essential.
who was the first born of Adam, in his first day of creation became a human head (Note 3), he who feel that they do not have another like him unique. Well, I will make him a helper fit for him. stand preposition meaning that someone or something rather, as his deputy. In this way, to immediately recognized this particular action caused by the creation of close relationships. he exclaimed, finally there is the same I planted. l woman r, because she was a man from the l r taken out of him. one. The first Friday, he held the first wedding, his image of the two people who have combined to make them into one. Since then, the marriage has become the cornerstone of the family, the foundation of society.
The Bible describes marriage is a combination of both is a double separation of decisive action:
of marriage important thing is: to leave before the main relationship. marriage relationship to replace the relationship between parents and children. From this sense that the relationship with their parents to leave to allow him to combine with another person . The lack of this process, there is no solid marriage foundation.
(2) combined with the spouse
that translated as and strength, depicts the nature of the conjugal union. Any attempt to break this combination will harm individuals in intimate relationships. The Bible also uses this same verb to express a combination of God and His people. God, serve him, and cleave him (20) These have emphasized the combination of this world is a combination of intimacy.
(3) marriage
in the Bible, this is closely related to the parties to the marriage vow or promise, to be called about , the pattern of an everlasting covenant (Ephesians 5:21-33). husband and wife promise to each other, there must be some kind of faithfulness of God forever and persistence (verse 89:34; sad 3:23).
God family and marriage of the parties with family and friends, belong to groups, witness their covenant with each other. This is about heaven and approval take effect. only couples to understand marriage is a covenant, as long as two live, let the faithful to each other (Note 5).
(4) become one
leave their parents and spouses covenant with, the result is the mystery of the joint. This is a full-fledged in-one combination of a couple lines together, stand together, sharing a deep intimacy. the beginning, this one refers to the physical one. In addition, it also refers to the support of one body mind and emotional intimacy with.
a. to his peers
of the relationship with His people, God said: 3) The words of the two will become one of the people who are also applicable. God had taught the people of Israel not to intermarry with neighboring countries. For they will turn away thy son from following the Lord, to serve other gods (Deuteronomy 7: 4; see the book 23:11-13). When the Israelites despised the lessons to terrible consequences occurred (Chapter 14-16 persons; Kings 11:1-10; La 9:10).
Paul wider reaffirmed this principle: and it? believers and unbelievers are infidel? God's temple and idols what the same? because we are the temple of the living God.
scripture to believers only marry believers, but the scope of application of this principle more than that. The real need for unity in faith and life on the line. religious experience is different, resulting in different lifestyles, resulting in extreme The tension in the formation of reefs marriage. So to achieve the unity of what the Bible says, people should marry someone from their church (Note 6).
b. If two people stand together to
become one, to be completely faithful to each other. A man got married, but he braved the danger of losing everything, and accept all the partners bring. marriage claim that they are willing to share the partner's responsibility to stand together with a partner the face of everything. Marriage requires a positive, persistent love.
their happiness, their pain, their hopes, their fears, their successes and their failures. l a r means one of two people in the spirit, soul and body in all aspects into one, but they are still or different of the individual. with the desire to each other, that is, since Adam and Eve days, all men and women who feel the desire to repeat itself every couple of TV drama is the story of first love. For them, the sexual intimacy of the action, that they may closest in physical combination. It represents the couple in love, some intimacy with the soul can. Christian marriage, love, should have the warmth, joy, happiness to their characteristics (Proverbs 5:18,19) .
Hebrews stressed, it is not dirty, there is no sin, not fallen. It is a great honor marriage in the most holy place where the couple meet at this privately to each other to celebrate their love. it is both extremely happy and holy moment. encourage each other in the image of God, the human spirit, soul and body to grow in all aspects. marriage, using different ways of expressing love. it has a romantic moment with the warm, rich feeling the moment, the moment itself, accompanied by a time and the phase is the moment. but constitute a real, lasting, love-based marriage, but described in the New Testament, selfless, full of love for others (agape).
Jesus bore our sins and crimes consequences, he took the cross, showing that the highest type of love. the outcome, He loves us, this is the unconditional love of Jesus (agape).
Paul describes this kind of love, said: not proud, not rude, not for their own benefit, not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, do not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes, always perseveres. Love never ends . types of love stop when hh continue to function regardless of the circumstances, the heart does go on. No matter how the other person is cute, agape kind of love can continue to surge. Agape this love is unconditional, just as God loves us the same. It is based on the considered will of the selected state of mind. Select charge (Corinthians 5:10). the meaning of responsibility because they never made their own things and blame each other. They are also responsible for their own spiritual growth. No one can rely on another person's spiritual capacity. On the other hand, each relationship with God, may become another source of strength and encouragement.
two people fall on Marriage
God reflected in man's image, because distortions caused by the crime, the exact impact on the marriage, as its impact on other aspects of the same human. in the original is completely dominated by the love and unity of place, selfish interference is coming. those who are not inspired by the love of Christ to do The main motive is selfish. it represents the Gospel subdued, and serve to give the principles of contrast, is a common factor in the failure of all Christians.
Adam and Eve because they do not obey, destroy their purpose of creation . crimes before they are completely calm to live before God. crime, they can not be happy to come before Him, but fear of hiding, afraid to see his face, to hide the facts about their own and refused their behavior. they can not erase the deep buck guilt, so that they dare not to look to God and angels. Since then, escape and self-righteousness, to become the common mode of relations between men and gods.
that drives them to hide fear, not only distort the relationship between God and Adam and Eve, also distorts the relationship between them. When God asked them, they both seek to harm others in order to protect themselves. their complaints, reveal when God created established for their love relationship has suffered severe damage.
crime, God told the woman said: This does not change with the basic principle of equality between men and women, so that the first couple, and the subsequent benefit of all couples married (Note 10). Unfortunately, this principle has been distorted, and from then on, the ability to use manipulation, resulting in the destruction of individuality, since the marriage became a history characteristic. self-centered, so that mutual acceptance and appreciation has become a rare thing.
essence of Christianity, but live in sacrifice for the sake of harmony, which marriage before the fall of human characteristics, but the crime of undermining the harmony. the love between husband and wife is happy to help each other. Everyone should seek each other's happiness, they want one, but they are not each loss of individuality that are of God (Note 11).
Third, deviation from God's ideal
1. polygamy
several one spouse, with God in the Garden of Eden set up a combination of the first marriage and One the contrary. in polygamy in, there is no such thing as the so-called emotional specificity. Although the Bible describes marriage polygamous ancestors Age is a cultural fact, but the description clearly shows that those who did not reach the sacred marriage ideal situation. that marriage involved in various small units of power struggle, bitter resentment and alienation among (see Chapter 16 record; see 29:16-30:24), and using children as a weapon to hurt others at home. < br> monogamous marriage and the couple a sense of belonging, enhance their intimacy with the combination. They know the relationship between each other but unique, no other people involved that they have made. monogamous marriage relationship, most clearly reflected the relationship between Christ and the Church, and personal relationship with God (Note 12).
2. adulterous
modern thought and style, so the couple alive in the marriage of true commitment to each other, no human attention. The Bible is, as any sexual relations outside of marriage is sin. seventh commandment is still valid, has not changed: . this commandment, to defend the marriage absolutely.
the Bible's view on sexual immorality, and today the :10-12; Proverbs 6:24-32; 7:6-27; Corinthians 6:9,13,18; plus 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Thessalonians 4:3, etc.).
This kinds of illicit sexual relations, with both broad and deep impact. This behavior deceive a legitimate sexual partner, may be physical, emotional, financial, legal, and social life, hurt him or her, but also hurt the whole family. If the children involved, including, in particular, will be hurt. these illegal sexual relations may lead to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, illegal baby is born. there emerges in these matters, lies and dishonesty of the suspicions, the destruction of trust, may never can not be recovered. even without the lessons of the Bible to condemn this unethical behavior, and leads to a series of unfortunate consequences, it should be enough to warn people not Wang Xing these things.
3. unclean thoughts
Crime is not only the external behavior, is also about soul, deep and thought patterns. springs Ruoyi pollution, the river will not be clean. Jesus, knowing that human behavior is stored from the bottom of one's inner motivation. the evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. saying: l shall not commit adultery. r But I tell you that anyone who saw a woman with lust, which his heart has already committed adultery with her. , ruin people's imagination to the extreme. it produces pornographic films and porn, in the Christian life is no place. They not only encourage illegal relationships, will also be dismissed as simply men and women of the object, distorted the nature real meaning, so that the image of God has become blurred. Christians are called to have a pure mind, degree of clean living, because they are prepared to eternity, a clean society life.
4. incest
some parents over the health of children to express affection to the limits of their emotional and physical had a love affair. This is often due to a sexual relationship is ignored, so that the child had been selected to play the role of the spouse. This limits vague, often occur among brothers and sisters, or extended family.
the Old Testament prohibition of incest (Lev. 18:6-29; application 27:20-23), the New Testament also condemns such things (I Cor 5 :1-5). The damage to the child abuse, sexual development, should not have caused shame and guilt, and even into the future marriage life. When parents over these boundaries, they are more damaging to a child development sense of trust and faith in God that stake.
5. divorce
spoken word of Jesus, the Bible can be summed up the lessons of the divorce. 19:6; can 10:7-9) Marriage is sacred, because God has been so sanctified. In the end God will be with the couple, not just the person's words or behavior. So, is God approved their union. Therefore Christians divorce and remarry understanding must be based on the Bible.
words of Jesus clearly understood by the Christian Bible on the principle of divorce: God to become a stable and lasting relationship of marriage. When the Pharisees asked Lord, marital disharmony constitutes grounds for divorce, He said that Eden's marriage patterns, but never a combination. When they pressed him further on the rules of divorce Moses, He said: hardness of heart, so the promise you repudiation. But it was not the case. 32; 19:9).
Jesus response to the Pharisees, clearly demonstrates his understanding of the faithful than they are deeper. from what he says, and the Old Testament from the new principles relating to marriage , one can say that God wants people who get married in order to be reflective of the combined image of God forever.
spouse's infidelity or even, not necessarily to force the marriage ended in divorce. Cross the road to encourage deep repentance, forgive and remove the root of resentment. even in the case of adultery, and that victims of spouse, and should be pardoned by God and good ability to make people seek to maintain the will of God in the creation of the time. adultery is not necessarily better than any other sin hh destroy your marriage if you are willing to forgive, to give you a negative attitude, God will be very happy to heal you, rekindle your love with each other. > Although the ideal of the sanctity of marriage is the union of love forever, until one died so far, but sometimes because of the spouse or child physical abuse, making the legal separation become necessary. obtained a divorce in this case when the way is feasible. But such a separation or divorce, if not related to marital infidelities, the other party did not remarry, commit adultery or death to any party not to remarry in accordance with the Bible, while others rights. > 6.
God created gay men and women are different to each other, but also mutually reinforcing. God is so rows of God so that they point to the feelings of the opposite sex. are different and inter-related features, makes the sexes to each other attracted, in order to form a healthy relationship.
In some cases, even affect the crime had this basic direction, creating a reverse phenomenon. In such cases, students tend to heterosexual orientation day, change to the person the same sex.
Bible strongly condemns homosexuality (Genesis 19:4-10; Utah 7-8; Lee 18:22; 20:13; Law 1:26-28; advance 1:8-10) . such things seriously distorted the image of God upon men and women.
because attitude towards those who suffer such a disorder people. They have to show that Christ committed adultery with the woman towards the attitude: 11) not only those who have homosexual tendencies, all stuck in the cause of anxiety, shame, guilt and the relationship between the behavior of people who need a trained and experienced member of the Christian Association about the counseling. no act is saving grace of God can not help (note 15).
four, the family
God created Adam and Eve, the governance of this world the right to give them (Gen. 1:26; 2:15). They organized the first family, the first church, society is acquired. Therefore, the community is built on marriage and family. because they are the only human inhabitants on earth, God commanded them to over this land. married Christian, the main lesson is still obligated to raise children. married men and women set foot on this road, you should be thinking of the ideal of the family of God.
1. parents
(1) father < br> The Bible given as a husband, a father who served as head of the family and home responsibilities of priests (West 3:18-21; Peter 3:1-8). he became the Christ, the pre-form, head of the church. For the husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, he is the Savior of the church. the church submits to Christ in everything, so also wives should submit to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up. to clean water by the word church as holy, you can present it to himself a glorious church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. husband When still love his wife as their own bodies. loves his wife loves himself. advocates, should be judged on her husband. the image of the servant carry the cross, at the expense of her husband but also to lead the way. gentle, use their power. When the Spirit of Christ, when control of her husband, the wife's obedience will bring rest and blessing, because he would like the requirements of the Church of Christ in general, only a wife for those results is useful for those who do hh Husbands who Yandu word of God, not find the wife as to obey, but his line to get the Christ, how the heart, a pure and gentle person, worthy head of the family. father as the family priest who, to be like Abraham, as in the beginning of the day to gather the family around, hand them over to God to take care of. evening, he will bring them praise God for the blessings he gives thanks to Him. This to the family of God in the first place of worship, they will be bound together (Note 18).
wise father will spend time in the body of his children. child may learn many lessons from his father, such as respect for the mother, loving mother , Dear God, the importance of prayer, love other people, work methods, modesty, love of nature and love of God creatures. However, if rarely at home, his father, the children are deprived of the privilege and joy.
people need to consider the family as the cause of hh in the twentieth century, the wife and mother as a lifelong career, almost unique, which is a very challenging task. a waste of effort? grateful for the work of an unmanned ? a loss of dignity of the slaves? No, it contains one of the most exciting possibility that it could change the times, to save mankind, change history, but also do so in the ever-expanding circle of people who can hear, can experience things. . because she is to become the mother of all human beings, her name (Hebrew Chawwah) from > Reproduction is not Adam or Eve, as exclusive or proprietary rights of the same is true for parents. The latter two can be a shared responsibility. now it should be, not only in childbearing, as is true in parenting children. To Father, who is the mother, have their certain responsibilities and these responsibilities should be based as best as the. 127:3)
2. children
(1) give priority to parents who
for owners and their spouses in addition to the commitments made, there is no more than they brought in more children in this world responsibility. they should put the interests of children and development of their own comfort above; children into the world not of their choice, should allow them to get the best possible start in life. because of the impact of parents who will be greatly affected spiritual, intellectual, physical health, so before the birth of the child not to be the child's welfare as a priority (Note 22).
parents love should be unconditional love and sacrifice. Although It will never be completely paid off, but must have a love child, to the good life self-image and mental health. a must to win the love of children, or one was not accepted, taken seriously the child, will try to get some of undesirable behavior to the love of their parents, and those who will take root and become bad behavior habits (Note 23).
feel safe in their parents love the child, it will automatically contact with people. They can be taught to accept and to give, other than there are living in self-justification. children can learn the glory of God grew.
(3) dedicated
Christian parents should be presented as soon as the child of God Services . Seventh-day Adventist Church will be the dedication to prepare for such a simple ceremony. In this ceremony, parents will be their children in prayer to God, as Joseph, Mary, Jesus in the Temple will be dedicated to God as (Luke 2:22-39). so, the child as a member of the spiritual family, began his life. Church of the faithful to him as a child of God and Christ's body, a limb, to participate in his spiritual development and social life.
In this ceremony, the parents presented themselves to teach children to use of the Lord, so that the image of God in the child's body shape. To this end, parents Jiuyao often their children to Sabbath School and worship, so that children in the early years to become a physical body of Christ. Yihou children to school age, parents, and make every effort to respect the church, so that he or she received Christian education, to further foster children love for the Lord.
(4) often carried out by parents to teach
spiritual teachings, but a process, the child at every stage of life, continued the conduct. for the scriptures; also written on the door frames of your houses and on your gates. Single parents can not raise children by the family of spiritual worship, it must be through faith in Jesus that they frequently, often in their way of life, clothing, and even home decor show. in a Christian children's growth process, so that They know God the same as their parents love them, is important.
(5) learn obedience
22:6) This cultivated the result? teach more than just punishment. punishment usually only deal with the past, and discipline, the focus of the future. parenting is a training process, in which children are trained to follow the example of their parents, receive guidance, such as loyalty, honesty, equality, consistency, patience, order, compassion, generosity and hard working, etc., that is an important principle to teach him.
When the kids to learn obedience from the heart, the authority in their lives they would not have been constituted problems. But the type of learning is also very important to obey. true not only because of the obedience required to do so, but because from the heart. The secret of obedience is born again.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Talent Network Wenzhou Wenzhou Wenzhou, go to the market part-time Job Network Job Network

 Large-scale leisure and recreation clubs jobs
the Entertainment Limited is a large leisure and entertainment business club; under a number of entertainment and leisure resorts; located in the downtown area and convenient transportation. We carefully commitment, from the moment you join us change your life from this. always cherish the opportunity and be prepared for active people! the entertainment industry to join us! here will make your life first bucket of gold!!! (do not You!) solemnly declare: All jobs jobs are recruitment, declined any intermediary to contact!
is due to business development, for the community to recruit the following positions (can be part-time):
1, male and female senior waiter: beautiful people, vibrant, strong communication skills, strong sense of service, courage to challenge themselves and paying jobs, free training, food and accommodation (which can be part-time)
2 KTV Senior Clerk: male / female image of the good eloquence good. Strong communication skills, lively and cheerful, strong sense of service.
3. Driver / Front Driver: C according to the above, handsome, more than two years driving experience, the salary of 3000 + tip, a monthly salary of more than 5,000
4. business, accompanied by: [male or female] good communication, lively and outgoing, work experience is preferred (basic salary + commission)
5. Assistant Manager: 5 male / female 18-29 years old high school education, handsome monthly salary of 2200-3000 RMB 6. drinks promotion: Male / Female image of the good, young beautiful, aged 18 to 28 years of age, eloquence good, strong communication skills. engaged in operations preferred. have special training, 3,000 basic salary + commission.
7. General Manager Assistant: Male 1, female 2 . Age 20m30 years old, required image quality, with strong communication skills and interpersonal skills, treatment liberally.
side - to try to Information:
(1), carry an ID card to come to the company the original surface - to try and hired to work.
(2), to be with the Manager Li Miss Lau contact prior to prior arrangement.
above after the Bureau of Labor Job to the approval of posts by hiring now!
Hours: 9:00-17:30
Hotline :1860-5227066
Contact: Manager Li Miss Liu
Venue: Shun Johnson Hotel Wenzhou, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Lucheng Road 36,
1. PR: 1-2 hours a part-time evening post, Male 18 - 35 years of age, women 18 - 28 years of age. handsome. studious, a strong sense of service. responsible for the VIP reception to meet our increasing consumption of stable consumer purposes. Treatment: basic salary + commission + benefits.
2. Waiter: Male and female 2, requires outgoing, gentle and generous. communication skills. the work is mainly responsible for the content of customer VOD package room. fruit and so on. the most Good will use the amplifier / DVD and so on. with or without experience can be training posts. Treatment: a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan. + tips + consumer commission.
3. Entertainment Reception: male / female image of the good, good temperament, strong communication skills , to accept the challenging work. ideological avant-garde, with or without experience can be, free training, a monthly salary of 3 million yuan, paid day-end tip (800m3500 million). to provide room and board. (working level responsibility: to accompany the guests to drink, chat, singing, and guide the guests happy consumption and promote the atmosphere. requires eloquent, good image, public relations language ability nightclub)
4. VIP access paternity: Male / Female: Requirements: a good image of young beautiful women Height: 163cm meters, more than men and 173cm tall, strong communication skills and interpersonal skills. m8000 treatment daily 2000 yuan RMB. guaranteed monthly income of 50,000 yuan. basic needs of the whole package.
5. hotel reception; Male / Female , age 16-28 years old, not Japan unveils, height 158CM above, good image quality, stylish, service means strong, healthy, like the hotel workers, a monthly income of 3 million yuan.
6. Marketing Director: F , strong communication skills, good image eloquence good, able to accept challenging work, with or without experience can be. passing the interview, free hand training, salary 1,500 +30% commission + tips. Baochizhu.
7. Rooms DJ_ M / F 10, the young beautiful, lively and generous, tip 300, the monthly income of 8,000 yuan
8. Escort - Male / Female excellent image quality, understanding, communication ability, to understand communication, lively generous, forward-thinking, skilled students can join a personal guide, tips + commission (monthly income of 20,000 or more).
9. escort the driver: male, healthy, handsome, responsible, accompanied by Hong Kong and Macao on business travel clients, shuttle guests, a recruiting and generous treatment.
10. singer / model; Male / Female 18: basic salary 6000 + tip, requiring :18-28-year-old, fashion, beautiful, generous, and serves mainly in the interpretation of the Hall interaction with customers, communication, communication, without training, working experience in night games.
11. sauna technician - male / female, age 16-28 years old, with or without experience can be, height 155CM more handsome, the service means strong, healthy, like the hotel workers,
12. the company to engage: the boss wants to be female, or male bosses (including) the five male and female: male Requirements: good image. personality open, powerful body, age, 46 years of age preferred. Female Requirements: good image. temperament. and good humor. an open mind. for and the customer often, nightclubs, places to play. the age of 28 years of age preferred. (more energy and customers living with for the good) salary: 1.5m2.8 million or so range.
1: male or female, no experience ,18-35 years old 2: vibrant, dare to challenge yourself!
4: Hours: 8 pm point - 13:00 or so, you can part-time or full time! can arrange shared!
5: Wage Day Results 300 - 500 onwards / day 6: no experience will be paid induction training
II: KTV waitress
1: daily 300 - 500 yuan or more, male or female ,18-28 / years old, no experience training!
2: image, have some sense of service, friendly.
3: main tasks: to accompany the guests drink and chat, sing, shake stopper, chat and other services.
4: working hours: 20:00 - 13:00 or so. can be part-time, arrangements can be shared!
three: internal security
1: generous salary + tips ,18-30 years old, no experience training!
2: a good instrument image, responsive, insightful,
3: a strong sense of responsibility , veterans priority, some hotels have relevant work experience preferred!
4: working hours: 20:00 - 13:00 or so. requires full-time, arrangements can be shared.
Four: Night drinks promoters
1 : age 18-28 years old, male or female!! can accept the work of the night games
2: Language good organizational skills, strong communication skills, pleasant personality, good attitude, serious and responsible.
3: daily 100m300 dollars! (basic salary + commission)
4: working hours. 8 pm to 1 o'clock
mm site of the company recruitment [non-agency], not appointed any agency for recruitment. please candidates with my ID card in person at the company, the date of appointment of qualified and provide accommodation. wages are settled the same day, security and confidentiality. Due to the staff busy, and sometimes can not access to your resume, do not send e-mail and SMS, interested, please contact us. [disheveled were no reception] 

Monday, February 21, 2011

All the new accidental disclosure Dream Dingzhuang Zhao exposure

 The most recent version of Dream of Red Mansions Dingzhuang Zhao crew was accidentally exposed, of which there are many early, some actors have been adjusted, but the clothing style is basically determined that this is likely to be accidental or intentional disclosure of internal personnel, fully disrupt the crew's plan, Yip's ridiculous spoof of the clear evidence.
version of Yao Di Lin Xue

Princess lace mourning the widow Tan Chun Yuan-chun

Poor Xifeng, which is being fought, scratched face, and still smile so bright, abused tend to?
Xifeng Qingwen were dressed in a, sisters Wife
sharp History big girl!
are more than happy Tanchun are gorgeous, br> wretched men and women dressed in gorgeous sleeveless jacket posing Lianer Ye Liu Gongzi when playing the
come down like that? or you are old in the COS Dong??
Qin Zhong mm Shi Jinyu accessories (thought gem Huan's enough, and did not think there is the bottom hh)
This is the son of Emperor businesses you bad young man or a troll? This is a milk Baochai fellow brother?
Liu Zhongping Wu Teng-style playing (finally to a normal a)
scared? This is Mishina Weilie General, Public House Zhen Jia family of the children do?
Hill also played Jia Zheng Xu, Yan Song with like.
This is Aunt Zhao Zhao aunt or ?
---- Feng Ho Ma, a very ferocious Old Woman, but so Biaofei Tizhuang, but also mixed with the look of the garden you
finally came out of Jia is four generations old hh This is the kind lord ah hh smart ah
cheerful humor of Jia Jia
bathrobe little small The Figure, and Huang Rong some of a fight.
Lange small children, Li Wan's son, gem, Huan's nephew hh hh so much new innovation is to break the feudal society Gangchanglunli even have to break the generational age of, well very avant-garde!
snow goose, looks bigger than her is to know when she followed her is very small, not enough to serve Lin Jia Mu felt it gave his sister to her hh
Fang Anna girl who plays Zijuan
attack ----- people, this is the first test and the small gem hh cloud no matter how the situation of people pretending that she still deserves the gem of the wet nurse hh 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

9 west harsh, wild, sublime

 Zou remember what television in the Blue
sang: the heart must beat more than 130 times. empty-handed to walk, walk as if low-weight 50 kg.
in the Kunlun Mountains, the disease causes sudden death of hypoxia is a common occurrence. There are also some awesome stories to tell . a car soldier, in the Karakoram mountains hurry, tired, lie down in the depot, will no longer get up.
Tanggula, and a passing woman, half-way to get off easy, after no longer squat stand up.
Taxkorgan on the Pamirs, a female official from Beijing, because of altitude sickness and lost their lives on the plateau.
very few birds on the plateau because low oxygen content and sometimes flying in the sky Crow will also suddenly fell.
This is the western plateau, west of harsh, and I, but it is one of the more fortunate, because I went to the Pamirs, the cost of only mild altitude sickness, to change new light to the treatment of the western mountains: the magnificent panoramic view of the posture.
Tibet Highway very few people dare to a car on the road. because, after Tibet is no man's land, the roads often unknown, and the flood washed away the road, dry rivers suddenly suffused water. Once lost, can not touch a few days into the river and was passing his life even if reimbursed. but my friends Military poet Li Xiaohua, actually cycling on this alone, the region from Kashgar to Ali, the lion springs River, and then all the way to the southeast, through the end of the Himalayas and the Alps Jia Zhi Gang pore, the Shigatse to Lhasa.
him about this experience, enraptured, I believe he feels. his home on the wall a few frame scenery of northern Tibet, enough to make me amazes. He also boasted, not printed it yet more. my friend was also in Romania strongly Tibet, said it was in exchange for Xiao Hua Yongming adventure.
I alone, in 1994, through Golmud to Tibet via Qinghai-Tibet Highway, at an altitude of 5231 meters of altitude sickness is inevitably Tanggula, vomiting and headache. To avoid any eventuality, my luggage is equipped with two canisters of oxygen. was lucky I did not suck the oxygen is also survived. but compared to others with the car, I have nothing to boast about, as if nothing had happened over the others. Notwithstanding had the experience, the next opportunity I would also like to go to Tibet , but also take the highway, where the scenery is beyond human words can describe the range.
Wang has lamented over. very strange concept, insurance is often far away, and people of the Han to the Yan Wang Yue Ma Cowboys gun, spanning, Robin Hood, getting rid of the law while ignoring the social and moral norms, are ex repay any grudges against the pleasure of revenge, probably captivated the audience of China's younger generation. So the performance of the harsh nature of human resilience vitality and frank humanity of the Chinese ; Double Flag Town catharsis.
1983 year in early September, I was alone, through Haiyan County, Qinghai-Tibet Railway west to northern shore of Lake Qinghai.
very short summer on the plateau, and fall and come out earlier, wheat and rapeseed in the sea East region is harvested, grasslands chill has begun. flowers as predictable seasonal transition like. taking advantage of the cold and has not arrived, the last with his life force, the Gangluan rolling green fields dotted all over the floor too colorful.
looked around, a pool of blue water lake, embraced in the blue sky, the green was like a fine sapphire. left Mountain, extending past the horizon to the south. Peak was shrouded in long strips of white clouds. really quiet, so still people also feel pressure. voice is bigger, a throat and then disappeared without a trace. in such magnificent scenery, vast heaven and earth, I feel the unique charm of the west: the nature of human attractive, nature does not tame the wild and Dior, and its ambition aroused the people despite difficulties.
Therefore, studying the western and appeal to the more challenging.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

OR offering new tactics to beat the opposition Valencia rotation disposable fly with both wings Great Wall of risk self-destruction

 Emeka Valencia in the league after 23, finally climbed to the No. 3 position of the league. Especially in the last round 2-1 win over Atletico game is of great significance, bats first in the league with five other corps strong away three points (usually refers to the top six La Liga Barcelona, Real Madrid, Valencia, Villarreal, Atletico Madrid and Sevilla), can be said that morale is busy.

Schalke 04 Champions League knockout encounter at home, Valencia's goal is to get the three points of course. Emeka in the formations from the point of view, Adu Rees, Soldado and striker shouted in battle three Domingos, intended to crush Schalke defense. However, it seems such a configuration was not successful, two Spanish striker center, and center characteristics more in the right-wing activities Domingos.

fact, in this non-winger Emeka tactics are often implemented in the league, 2-0 victory over Hekulaisi battle, Valencia is also used almost the same formation. Tuo Paer as the lower back, so hit the left Argentina striker Domingos, frequently experience to play this season, Mourinho considered to be the most offensive threat Valencia Valentino characters - Costa living right, Barney Add Frontal. This game, despite the emphasis in the storm Emeka Schalke Benedict Uchida right-wing people, but mainly assists the pressure on the left defender Mathieu, compared with right-sided Domingos tantamount to missing. Valencia

most threatening in this game are all from the bottom of the two attacks on the left, Schalke Benedict people on this side of the field, becoming the object of Emeka captured in focus. But Tino Costa, after all, is not a pure winger origin, on the results would be compared can not and Vicente. Miguel on the right, after all, advanced age, speed and impact as before.

poor economic conditions in the case of Valencia in the drawn more biased in favor of economic and practical terms, can become versatile player. Transfer in the winter, the Tieyao Manuel - Fernandez's departure is no small loss, but the biggest problem is that, like Emeka in Valencia, the most adept removed both wings to fly tactics. To the game, for example, if Emeka played in the early to Joaquin, or Alba, Pablo, and even those winger Vicente debut, I am afraid Schalke people this side of the field as early as Benedict Valencia corridor become.

Valencia 1-1 draw in this situation is hardly ideal for the future, but that does not mean bad. The most crucial is that Valencia have enough cards now can play. March will once again broke early in the Champions League, Valencia in the league until a total of four to Emeka in the rotation policy, as well as the unique Basque stubborn and bloody, the team's physical condition and morale is not bad. Maybe next round bat Corps in Germany, in turn challenges Schalke with a new look. (This article Source: NEW YORK Author: Liluntesi)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Biography January CPI weights for the 4.9% CPI down 0.3 percentage point adjustment

 Xiangcai Qi Dapeng Securities chief investment adviser that has been expected in January CPI data itself does not exceed expectations, to the larger disk will not cause fluctuations in the medium term, and now the liquidity position remains solid satisfactory and the Government policy of contraction of liquidity is expected to continue to constrain the recent stock market rises, CPI is now available in the market benchmark calculations, once exceeded expectations, monetary tightening is expected to continue to heat up. But news of the current view, the basic out to do a big negative, rising pattern already established, investors can focus on the effectiveness of a firm 60-day moving average. Years ago, bargain-hunting investors, if the stock subject well, this week, shareholders can rest assured; wet storage or investors with short positions may be reduced in shock when the appropriate jiacang.

Xu that the integrated circuit industry, tax policies and financial support to obtain a large number of super-raised funds in recent years, the small plates, good GEM related businesses, in addition to the upstream and downstream industry chain is relatively lacking in some investment & ldquo ; safe Food, seeds and other agricultural stocks although by the impact of weather and rigid demand, product prices have protection, but the current valuation is not low, intervention remains cautious. Now stand on the Shanghai Stock Exchange has successfully 60-day moving average, from 60-day moving average in Shenzhen is also a step away, the pattern is beautiful. And the volume was amplified, indicating that capital began to wait and see admission. But the point of Shanghai in 2840-2860 hold-up area is pre-dense area, there is still strong resistance, the rebound on Friday, has been significantly weaker than Thursday, investors do not chase, wait for the stock index break through the region, challenges 2915 point along the line when re-operation. Now from a technical point of view, the trend line with the expected upside breakout, but Xu believes that now belong to stage a rebound, to see more short-term, medium-term is still bearish, do not rule out the possibility of mid-term are second bottom. (Liao Shen Evening News)

China's State Statistical Bureau spokesman Sheng Games last October to clear that since 2011, China will adopt a new CPI weights. This is in line with China's CPI adjustment every five years for a practice.

Do panic! The main force is still diving? Stuck with the stock is likely to have saved! March the stock market changes are likely to occur? Tug of war behind the hidden financial trends!
still below the inflation rate rises could


CITIC Securities Research believes that weight adjustment, the CPI down 0.3 percentage points will, that is, without adjusting the weights, in January CPI will rise 5.2% in the vicinity.

14 Chinese, according to two market sources, the Chinese government adjusted the weight of CPI in 2011, China January CPI rose 4.9%, the chain rose about 0.9% , below market expectations. Finet Tianwei Zheng had expected the January CPI rose 5.2%.

Click the picture to view detailed data
hot rotation in order to , capital, policy guidance, etc. to support the two industries. According to the And 9 other big positive is the policy of the State Council executive meeting for the dollars. By the positive stimulus, related Rabbit plate as the first wave of market after the Spring Festival were the biggest boost, but the rabbit first round action of the week hot very fast, from the beginning to the Pan-consumer, real estate, agriculture sector, investor enthusiasm for

1 monthly economic data in the stock market can bring springtime < / p>

Although the central bank suddenly raising interest rates after the holiday, trading day on Wednesday, the two cities the trend is still relatively healthy, this week will introduce a multi-country economic data, including the country in January 2011 the CPI and PPI, then investors judged according to data stocks.

on Thursday's up sideways on the basis of maintenance and in the pharmaceutical, cement blocks, led a successful closing strong red, turnover also has been enlarged expires earlier. Institutions was widely predicted that Shanghai will be 2800 points this week as a platform for shock consolidation, profit-digest. Scheduled for release this week, 15 January 2011 economic data, January CPI The CPI services.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Professor Yang Yi Academic Question 2

 Fourth, triple meanings: First, the broken junk, figurative reading of the ground; second break of the break, as many think and reflect on reading Yu; third breakthrough broken, Yu have read the original spirit. mm to talk about is reading this. Of course, , such as your less critical of the negative factors in Chinese culture, but always dig and explain the positive significance of Chinese culture. When you here is to explain The Micro secluded explore new way. held the position of this building, your starting point What?
A. Since we have put things as a process, including the metabolic process itself, not unilaterally say criticism, but criticism and start both. scholars to live in the contemporary, from knowledge to understanding contemporary academic thought. Contemporary What is it? contemporary is in the process of this. Contemporary China after 30 years of rapid sustainable development, has become the world's third-largest economy. According to data released by National Bureau of Statistics, in 2007 China's GDP has been over Germany, the economic scale is 70 times the beginning of reform and opening-.2008 Wall Street financial crisis when the United States shook the world economy, China is seen as power of academic and cultural style is deep and broad, imbued with the original spirit of the aggressive edge and wisdom of the charm. But deep and broad, to be painstaking efforts, hard effort, the plot profoundly successful fusion of Chinese and foreign ancient and modern, enlightenment Shenzhan the argument by afford the test of history. aggressive elan, then the advocate breaking the stereotypes, abandoned shallow, predecessors did not send the reply. original wisdom, you need to look great, excellent insight to the creative culture of open discourse and theoretical situation. If even the originality of their own country and academic achievements of academic opinion, can not sway the mind to be recognized Tan, to be sure, what is the power of academic manners at all? ignore their academic originality, but some are not mature, no foundation, and even the value of implicit bias unconventional special external argument chase less fear, which, if not impetuous style of study is the more necessary, not kneeling to standing posture, to solemnly empty floating rather than the attitude of earnest review, which opened 30 years which have made substantial academic progress? What are the academic achievements of the national culture revitalization is useful? which academic opinion Seed of Thought have both astray? What is the academic foundation and wisdom can have long-term effects? which academic speculation is a bubble? These should conscientiously sum up, sum up a guide, summarized well, will the style of study-oriented firm, the bright academic future-oriented. A world of contemporary thought and culture responsible big country, should be to their own vision and courage, of their five thousand years of civilization, the history of a hundred years of struggle three decades of revitalization of history, gives a real deep, One Hundred Years Liyan a strong civilization? That should be our technical, economic management, and ignorance is the key to the development of advanced, healthy, enjoys popular support for China's national conditions and the academic humanities. This is why the British philosopher Francis Bacon said: people well, natural science makes profound moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend. and natural sciences in terms of the. Imagine that, if left into human culture and thinking in the absence of philosophy, history, memory loss, lack of poetic beauty in life, so can we talk about the Master of man, civilization, civilized it? Over the years, my research gradually expanded, from modern to classical literary Chinese, learn from the narrative poetry, literature of ethnic minorities by the Chinese literature, from the modern dating back to the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, and then traced back to the Chu Ci and study the occurrence of pre-Qin philosophers , paraneoplastic International Comparison and methodology, exercises a kind of The random read reading habits, but in the end also by the spirit of the age, vitality and historical conditions of the stimulus provided by the intention of tracking the academic character of the modern great power, ideology and culture in the development of modern China to find their own ownership, value and responsibility in order to enhance their own wisdom and open source.
asked on the past and the future of Chinese culture, you have been optimistic. In fact, more people are pessimistic. You is so optimistic, in addition to not want to repeat what others say other than, obviously there deeper consideration. Please tell us what you think.
A. I have said so-called discuss how to adjust and correct their academic and cultural state of mind. We should be out in the culture fanatic words such as ; you? eyes, open mind and accept the world's civilization and culture of human essence. philology There is also a became both the traditional civilization, or the results of foreign civilizations, the Chinese from the semantics associated with each other than, of the profound meaning of the three thought process is interesting, from a deeper, than the dialogue, of a new record.
In the ideological and cultural fields to create China's own value system and school management system, we need to maintain good cultural awareness, integrated learning reflection, exploration of the research source, open up a new realm. in the modern world view and the Chinese created position, nourish a class almost reference, but can not replace self-created, but can not use it to denigrate self-creation. In recent years, since the increase in the culture of self-confidence has made Guoxue warming, it would have to dive down to intermediation through the history of philosophers, and out of School the snobbish behavior. Guoxue modern form, should be foundation of a nation's dignity, and contains all of the broad, open up new territory in the fresh, even say, dignity, broad, fresh and should become the modern form of National Learning . This should be promoted,
asked both into the three-volume published in recent years, : Last year (2009) is the 90th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement May Fourth Movement, the discipline of modern Chinese literature is both historical starting point, but also the twentieth century the most important spiritual resources. In your opinion, the May Fourth Movement of the uniqueness of Chinese culture, what is the ?
A May Fourth Movement has been 90 years now, there are already enough time and space for us to be creative reflection, to re-look at the May Fourth Movement, mm to rethink the question how a modern great power to build their own cultural spirit ? Fourth is great, while the May Fourth Movement is a great unfinished. It's great that the Chinese thought, culture and society made a start, but it is not completed because it is just a start. rely on an Enlightenment Movement can not solve all problems in China, but also a social system of innovation and economic development of society as a whole. So, the May Fourth Movement left a huge space for us to create, but we must also great predecessors should also but also to create sufficient space for the modern.
China is an ancient civilization, after a long accumulation of culture inevitably gradually rigid body, also had a lot of waste, as older people are reluctant to throw away even the scrap metal as waste too much room, new and useful things can not come. and the May Fourth Movement drastic blow away the cobwebs on the ideology and culture, for our land of thorns in the development of a new space opened in the clouds of mist ambitious vision. Fourth on behalf of the Chinese cultural patterns and cultural destiny of new possibilities. human process of modernization has created a lot of material wealth and spiritual wealth, we have to understand, to absorb the May Fourth Movement, we see the world very, very challenging, not behind closed doors development. Meanwhile, the May Fourth Movement also opened a new trend of the times, urged us to inspirational innovation and creativity, ideas, culture and social system reform should be carried out in all aspects of creation, must be decisively decided to well on its way before walking. Fourth and provides us with a new dimension of thinking, since then, we can think with the conservative revolution, enlightenment and salvation, science and democracy and other issues, these are the trend with the rush to the May Fourth Movement The. Open thinking is very important to us from China's own needs, China's own problems, China's own feelings, and even the dignity of the Chinese people themselves, by virtue of this knowledge and some foundations and foreign, to our knowledge re-cleaning , coding, and portfolio, humanism, scientism provide ways of thinking and ideas to our knowledge of the results involved in the system, re-understanding, re-creation. This is good, then be fully released by the Chinese people's wisdom, is enough to make our country to new horizons, new glories.
old material, waste of natural in the old thing inside, something so old, and also easy to waste, but waste is not the same as the old material. to a certain time, we have in the old material re-pick and choose, the selection of value. Xun for the May Fourth Movement worried. In a finding that great event in the past, there have been many people to be the results of its propaganda, rather than a total revolution and conservative issues. Xun concern is will fall into a people; people who worry about the May Fourth Movement, but it is really the person to follow the spirit of the May Fourth Movement. see the twenties and thirties of last century the spirit of the history of Chinese intellectuals, they created a variety of myths, its purpose is to find a seating for themselves. On the contrary, those who lost the May Fourth Movement was a loss, but added because of love of over-cutting, worries grow wherever. Xun in the interpretation of the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, when stressed two issues, one is the vernacular movement, one stylistic innovation. Lu Xun, the Vernacular Movement was successful, but the vernacular progressive thinking can do both articles, the same can also be used to make the decadent thinking of the article, so it needs ideological revolution. Lu Xun and, finally, social reforms, which are made for social reform pilot. May Fourth Movement, tried a lot of new style. novel status was inflated, and the success of essays is still fiction, drama, poetry on top. William Shakespeare as a play St., did not arouse much interest, it touches everyone Ibsen said that good reason is because the Fourth is an exploratory, individual active era, rather than classical era, a real effort to go through the classic.
the May Fourth Movement as a great beginning Start the Chinese culture and modern society to a modern holistic transformation, which is its greatness, but it does not complete, there is no good solution to the entire transition design. modern people should be more creative, and not to repeat it. Fourth spirit is to move to open up, do not move to open up the repeat, can not be counted Fourth spirit. should have such a conscious, culturally noisy all day, not to engage in economic development, not to engage in social reform, many problems can not be solved. We should make sure that the value of the May Fourth Movement, it is our great heritage, it had not completed some of the propositions we need to make up classes; the same time, the development of modern society needs a lot of new creation, not the person to complete the May Fourth generation good planning, we should in the new era of timely development of new propositions put forward new ideas and cultural creation. Xun then repeated to say that he had a quarter of the world feeling, the feeling is concern for the fate of his generation sense of responsibility. generation a generation way of thinking, feeling way, we should not over-indulge dreams and miss the historical opportunity. In my opinion, to create the modern culture in the direction of the May Fourth Movement to further move forward the idea to create a culture of modern system of power in order to promote in the new century a century of modern Chinese people power to achieve the dream, is it not the best spirit of the May Fourth cultural inheritance you?
asked a second question: modern scholars (especially the May Fourth generation) regardless of is the study of Western or discussion, Authentic Chinese literature, old pattern of restraint, and insisted that The article repeated the key words. Why so much emphasis on literature, we should examine the whole of modern literature for literature for a nation where its location, and then thinking about how to build a great nation worthy of five thousand years of literary power demeanor, prompted us to literary creation and literary thought in high profile independent nations of the world. the human need to create the spirit lifted, does not value the creative spirit that every step away. With the vision of ancient literature, and then back to the attention of modern literature, a high degree of concern will be the intersection ancient and modern Chinese culture, multi-zone multi-ethnic structure of the overall total, and its face in the process of modernization and globalization, the cultural background of the times when the attitude and cultural strategies. modern literature value also lies in such a big commitment of civilization to be blood transmission and transformation of modernity, while the modern West in the absorption of wisdom, to activate their own creative potential. this potential, does not rule out the existence of modern culture to create a rich cultural resources related to past and present. But this place is too tough. accepted Some of the Western Enlightenment and effects, how to rebuild our great country civilized? the oriental civilization in their own tradition and transformation of what things can be inherited, and in Western civilization but also to learn and digest what what? Western impact in secondary schools , confrontation, communication and integration process, which may produce alloys and ideological culture created? think about a culture and a number of fundamental issues between cultures, thinking the whole civilization, the integrity of the whole question of literature, as is the cultural awareness of the problem the purpose.
culture is basically a process that should be understood as a verb of the text of the change, evolution, civilized, into, are verbs. action have life, have the power, have a future. Without the May Fourth step, our culture is not the way it could be many Hunkui ideas, there are many remnant, Yi Shao smell it. there is that step and then went to the place where it needs with the contemporary world, we have to re-reflection rethink what we do now. not to say that roads are the truth ah Fourth, we do not demanding it, but also do not think it will be able to conquer the world, as if cultural issues can do nothing of the later generations. Fourth generation breakthrough With anxious when psychological, since the fate of the country so heavy, and cultural vitality so bad, then they would allow that generation to rise, with a sort of extreme emotion, which is totally understandable, even necessary. extreme is the heavy under the pressure of survival and development of a burst of vitality and form a critical form of vitality or resistance, no strong criticism and resistance, can not shake the deep-rooted in the old forces, the culture can not be used to effectively remove the waste. But in the period of peaceful construction, Li Kui, as everywhere, you have to play like a resort, it seems somewhat out of it. In the new context, Li Kui's not as Lu Ban's resort for tricks are cut cut Pipi, but it is a miracle to create a civilization. So cultural construction and newly created, one is to be placed in a large field of vision seen in history, one is to be placed in a large field of vision seen in the world, many of the problems in this The new interpretation of historical reason. None of us are qualified to say: ah, the May Fourth almost worthless. them that generation can not do it? the form of their own history, did a very great things, carry live in a dark heavy gates, into the light of our road, a reasonable man in the cultural space will come up. We are all beneficiaries of the spirit of the May Fourth Movement. But now this generation has been in the vast wilderness, and the old gate has been quite far away. The new gate may be another gate, not, at least not necessarily the time that the gate of the May Fourth Movement. the bad thing is recorded in ancient accounts, the only show that our modern incompetent. each generation have the value of each generation and the creation of responsibility. We have to talk about personal values and responsibilities of individuals, generation to generation do not speak the value of responsibility? this is not very logical it? the value of the May Fourth generation, and that the responsibility is that they seize the opportunity to do that on behalf of the people they should do, not wear their greatness be called through the ages. But now people need to consciously do things that modern people should do for the Chinese culture the modern great powers of the new Road, can not move forward, or imitate others, it is not sterile. Each generation should be no exception, creating their own culture of the times proposition, the pace of cultural attitude and culture, or history will be misunderstood, lost self. so I'm more than a decade before it was proposed that we should inherit the May Fourth Movement, out of the May Fourth Movement, to modern great power is more grand and rich, more full of self-innovation capability and cultural realm. today's culture should be the theme: the return of this based on the creation, in creating the premise back to this, creativity of our nation's cultural face the challenges of globalization more deep roots, encouraging creativity, vitality. National capacity should be with the times, There is no other way out, all quality wise, is this not our Humanity Road, where you?
2010  7   4 Revision
(This article was published in )

Monday, February 14, 2011

---- Legend of Shaolin South Shaolin to Once Upon a Time from

 Law of return were a million Chinese martial arts Shaolin
the this view. even boxing camp north, also linked up love and the Shaolin Temple; that such as Tai Chi, The Promise, and the ancestor of all that iron Luo Hanquan from Chi Master, and general learning skills in the Shaolin Chi Master said, and later became a Wudang Dan disabilities, the creation of Wudang. RTHK produced martial arts films (or martial arts, or kung fu comedy) can be summarized as The more exaggerated the more deified old legend, the authenticity and kung fu martial arts fantasy to more and more inseparable. In this idea of a martial arts (kung fu) films, I believe be referred first and foremost creator of three historic (also the legend of) Category:
1. Age: Qing Dynasty to early Republican years, Yongzheng and Qianlong
2. Background: The Burning Shaolin Temple and Shaolin kung fu Theravada
3. People: Guangdong Shaolin Legend of the characters ( and re-shaping)
my article is to discuss the above three areas. we will find that I talked about the legend of the proportion is more than the movie, because between the legend and the film, I chose the former. < br> robe floating bloody tears, things Yinxi Lu martial arts from the source of
(or martial arts) as long as something to do with Shaolin off, it is bound to set fire to the temple of the description. In the movie, set fire to the location and age are the Shaolin Temple confused, let alone fire causes and consequences of the Shaolin Temple.
legend, Songshan Shaolin Temple in Henan and Fujian sub Mountain Shaolin Nine Gates. Songshan Shaolin Temple was destroyed by the Qing Emperor Yongzheng thirteen years, and the Shaolin Temple is destroyed Jiulian Mountain Qianlong twelve years. In fact, there is really a matter of burning the Shaolin Temple, there is no official history can be textual.
Songshan Shaolin Temple into a torch, the cause of that? freemason, and world literature will say that the Shaolin monks for help Qing Zheng Xi Lu and marred. levy or West (with that of Tibet), will the British Museum in London will be the literature of the world hidden transcript ten years) or West King Long days led troops ordered into the general Peng of China, local officials lost to win, the direct attack to Tongguan, Shouqiang LIU Jing, Huang Zhiquan on the table in an emergency, the court immediately move out of the military under the proclamation, the entire display of, Monkey Cijue who promised retreat, he was to be the temple one hundred twenty-eight exposing the proclamation of people's recommendations, not Army, went to Tuidi, cut the generals Pang Long days, killing soldiers dead over mountains and rivers of blood or West victory Hui Zhao the Qing imperial master rejoicing, thanks to a very thick Treat parade three days, Justice Being the Desire seal all official, everyone played the Road: Chendeng do not want to still want to return to Temple official practice, clear the main quasi-outs, which give a jade seals, carved triangle, in a Japanese mountain word re-jin thirteen two pro-Yu Jia afternoon outside the party sent back, after many years without incident, due to a Yongzheng thirteen years old rape Minghuan to the Temple in Hong Deng Sheng, see Yu Temple thanks jade seal, but treasure, that Yu Tan as their own, at odds with the monks, students will be malicious, false, said playing the king, the temple on the teaching magic, the intention of rebellion, if not earlier figure, is bound to produce troubles, as misrepresentation Temple set fire to the Hong will to never curse, then headed heard the words of the old evil, that victory leader Deng Guards ordered three thousand to go to act, and sure enough I do not know to beware of the Shaolin Temple in the night, burned to death a hundred and ten hh Tibet is the biggest question. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Yongzheng and begin with a prominent martial arts, the only force with endless threats and Fan Jing, only Russia, so handsome with rich learning brake Sa (can Sark national), Early Russian general called intellectuals do According to word of mouth secret notes, the Rakshasa became inverted word , intense war intelligence. or abandoned the family Manchu two scores, decided to rise up against Russian imperialist aggression.
also because of symptoms or West (or Rakshasa) victory, the Shaolin martial arts are exposed, causing extreme fear of the Qing government, then planted the seeds of the temple fire.
a poet wrote: tears of blood-stained robe floating, rooting from the things Yinxi Lu.
Manning children lead the way, fire Songshan Shaolin Temple
Qing government fear is that the Shaolin Temple is anti Fuming base. freemason, and world literature will say, Junji eighteen years, Zheng Chenggong guarding the Taiwan Ministry of Cai Dezhong Qianpai, Fangda Hong, Hu Dedi, Machao Xing, Li-style opening to the Central Plains Development, etc. , adapted to the Songshan Shaolin Temple abbot Zhitong cast, one hundred twenty-eight monks who have refined Xian Wushu. Later Zheng Junli reached (Zheng Chenggong nephew), Miss KWOK Sau-kai, wife, sister Magnolia congenial attachment, a total figure owed. monastery in the old China society has always been a criminal, or traitor leftover shelters (2). especially during the early Qing Dynasty, there must be a lot of escape were a refuge Ming remnant, by monks and priests from the identity of events, organization subversive forces. The Qing government also do not know, just waiting for an opportunity just waiting for one to grasp the actual situation of the traitor appears inside the Shaolin Temple, Shaolin can be eliminated in one fell swoop.
Another World Council document beds) was built in autumn, a Chen (Wen Yao), two concentric design harm Shaolin monks, entry into the dark playing a two Lingzhi hh hh hh Lu Yu Manin child soldier to do the driver is using Ning children as hh lead the way for the line, according to terms set fire to the line hh . more interesting, I think it is the Manning children. China's secret societies and chivalric fiction literature has a different argument: one that Manning is a Shaolin monk disciple children, martial arts, in one hundred twenty-eight people, of martial arts, the seventh to take the top spot, but who is not a net six, had enjoyed pack days, insulted Zheng Junli of his wife, fleeing monks hunt, then off to help Chen Wenyao other Shaolin (since Manning's seventh child, the world will be put Seven Words of the number as a bad omen, a taboo); the second child is the Shaolin Temple, said Ma Ning, laborers, because of years to break the light in the Main Hall of the penalty, Manning resentment of the more than children, seek refuge Chen Wenyao, such as the Temple of the underground passage plate exposed organs, leading to All monks were wiped out in one fell swoop.
escape was ten, but only five students to go. They are Cai Dezhong, Fangda Hong, Ma Chaoxing, Hu Dedi and Lee-style opening. five kiosks in the safflower sworn, the creation of freemason, to continue the anti-Fuming ambition, is a former freemason who Wuzu mm gang known as the Finally, let the film world as heroic Juyi safflower Pavilion for Results.
children lead the way Manning, Zhang Jianqiu and Chen Wenyao fire temple, the match in countless gang literature there (on the contrary, Deng played the king of the jump that won only a single found in is through the political means this ancient metaphor, alluding to the mainland discoloration, Juyi a certain place, attempt recovery. Maybe this is my sensitive, but the film it is always a political tool.
go Ocean Hall, playing wooden men Lane
another said that the Songshan Shaolin Temple was destroyed by fire, Cai Dezhong Zoutuo five people, there were masters and to the space clouds monk, who fled from the Henan, Fujian, Shan Shaolin Temple in the Nine Gates to build anti-Fuming base (the Hong Hu Dedi Wuzu also help in front of the Temple), the Shaolin martial arts to flourish again.
to pass an empty perfection Zen monk mm legendary Shaolin Temple, one of the most legendary figure. Shaolin Kung Fu Master reached perfection, but also Daihatsu splendor again, off Guangdong Shaolin Chuan household figures, such as Shaolin, Fong Sai Yuk, Hu Hui dry, three German monk, Tongqian Jin, Xie Afu and Miss A mining, etc., have come from under the door perfection.
spread perfection, there will be the so-called is effective in the Shaolin five old. but old scores between the old Shaolin Five temporarily refrain, to talk about perfection under the Fujian Shaolin Temple, in charge of it.
goodness, master of Shaolin, he was to have quality extremely Shaolin master, in addition to the appointment of the leading disciples of Master Apricot implicit (also known as grass monk) to do coach, in charge of Shaolin thirty-six of the house, also built to do the chamber, there are many wooden statues, which the installation of the activities of organs, as long as the starting authorities will automatically step away from the statue in situ, kicking, punching way, Shaolin brother would make gas out of power, with the statue of a fist fight. Rohan Hall Lane wooden men go through a test of the strict form of martial arts, kung fu disciple not yet reached the home was due to not handle the numerous statues beaten to the black and blue. Shaolin Temple full of arts from each division of the disciples, very strict tests can not out of the temple gates, we must see if you can not play over the statues of the Ocean Hall.
Lane wooden men, but flies, and a pass, as Zhu Yu Zhai person Lane, has not yet learned to successful project must then cross out the door. But the way across the door, only one person, the front door announced a huge copper furnace, burning furnace Sheng sandalwood, carved with dragon patterns all around furnace such as the the door, hold the shift is easy to be before they can be clear. But the furnace re-jin, and Sheng burning sandalwood, over by the furnace heat, hold the shift easily, the dragon patterns carved oven, bake in the hold time hold the meat on top of those arms, the traces of life eternal. Description.
Lane wooden men really existed, it is difficult to say, Nine Gates Mountain Shaolin Temple was destroyed by long dry years, with only ruins. Some of the film also mentioned that copper sole property of the Shaolin eighth, again in accordance with Where? believed to be home for the sharp pen of Southern novels in the process. For example, I was Shanren the by Buddhist pilgrims as a living, practicing martial arts expertise to find work, ask for advice of the people attracted Rusi, all year round without a break, but the school can not withstand the hard work of many people, learned a year or so, do not do the line, telling everyone that I am out is the Shaolin school, until the touch of dealing with or, Ruji reputation a lot of Shaolin Temple, so perfection rules laid down in Jackson, eighth in the temple erected in front of Ocean iron, steal if the main entrance, it will be stopped passers Eighteen volley, If the martial art, be able to repel Eighteen, and then you can out of the gate. Drill ditch stolen; Tongqian Jin Zhi Keseng is the prevailing ethics of the card, keep the back door of the three German fool monk can down; the most interesting, there are a disciple of the Shaolin wooden men into the lane of termites, wood decay as , and then fight it out easily.
stubborn and direction of both the addition of eight, where a very long life emperors
Wudang Shan Shaolin Temple in fire Nine Gates to become the villain (Shaolin kung fu is the eternal bad angle). Three years of Qianlong, Qing Feng Daode in Wudang master, high Jinzhong, browed Taoist and other assistance, the temple has been razed to the ground, and so fled to the southern latent perfection. Shaolin and Wudang scores between, when established, from the not clear too.
Legend Song Huizong years, Shaolin Chi Master to scholars of science and technology investment, with its more than intelligent people, less than a few years, the technology has been the highest for the whole temple, then the Shaolin, Wudang Mountain in Hubei line to, Tianzhu Feng Yi and quiet to clear, mountain tall and graceful, dark green Run gratifying, then retreat a result, a The br> Shaolin. and perfection over the same period of the so-called from which to intervene, the more the conflict worse. Emperor Qianlong emperor has cicadas today, so try to recruitment of Wudang generation of believers, as Chaotingmingguan who is really trying to use the power of Wudang, Shaolin school I also eliminated. the private sector, and later turned into politics. Late chivalric novels, Shaolin.
household of Fong Sai Yuk Health Warning and Hu Hui dry room to play the story is first recorded in mm contest took office, killing the tiger mine. Lei Li Wudang Tiger is the son of Bashan, trusted in themselves that scholar Chenwen Yao Wen Yuan Ge (Yongzheng fire Songshan Shaolin Temple, Qianlong was close to eighty years of age) of the guards that would lawless , this is Fong Sai killed, the natural satisfaction of everyone, but it caused repeated battles mm Tiger's wife Li Lei Li Wan asked my father out of the mountains of Bashan, Fong Sai Yuk please three German monk, Tong Qianjin other things grow bigger. At the same time Xinhui Hu Hui dry is to steal the temple, back to the provincial capital, the parent of revenge, war nylon West Hall room off workers. nylon Church Hall is the provincial capital of textile workers, line workers, mostly bachelor son, seven of ten wins gaining the upper hand; Hu Hui father of dry open small shops in the vicinity, was the engine room worker beaten to death, Fong Sai Yuk rescued injured the Huhui dry, sent him to the temple of science and technology. Huhui dry the revenge killing, killing a dozen in which textile workers mm Wudang boxing is a Fengdao De Yong Zhang Jinhong of Tusun. So the two factions Rush, Yue Naoyue plus out of control. Later, the aunt Thunder Tiger Ring mm Li Li, the two women of Bashan, for his sister, and his father died Zifu Shaolin hands, revenge-hungry Pianxiang incognito tour of the Qianlong Emperor devotion; Qianlong took the opportunity to borrow the Wudang Fengdao De, browed Road handedly, destroy the Shaolin Temple in Fujian. Sai Yuk, Hu Hui dry, perfection and so spared only because of written in the late Qing Dynasty, describing the Shaolin Fist Yong mm anti-government In addition to eight directions of both, what a very long life emperors.
Zai Zhuang Liwen Mao, light to destroy the Shaolin Temple in Fujian
national history led to martial arts into the Hundred Yue, Quanfeng Dasheng colorful, hand-held large numbers. In fact, also in Guangdong Shaolin Non-Master began perfection. Ming Chongzhen years have passed Gaoyao Caijiu instrument Shaolin Yi Portland (4), force feedback in Guangdong, but the beginning of perfection very popular, there is a reason for its subtle:
1. to South Jackson was three times good to Shaolin boxing in Guangdong flourish.
2. perfection Zen disciples mostly Cantonese, Fang's three brothers (Fang Xiaoyu, Fang Meiyu and Fong Sai Yuk) is the Zhaoqing people, Tong Qianjin Hakka, the three German monk who was Huiyang, Shaolin is to spend County, Xie Yafu the South China Sea who, based on the geographical territories, each pass Lingnan natural person powers.
3. perfection during the Shaolin school, once try to establish a base in Guangzhou Xi Chansi mm German monk by the three palm thing.
perfection Shaolin Master and Guangdong is most delicate. legends, one hundred and Guangdong reached perfection famous boxing mm Wing Chun ( or the Wing Chun boxing); Legends II, the Shaolin martial arts perfection not only pass the red boat opera classes, the ambition is also to pass anti-Fuming Lingnan actor.
one legend, Wing Chun was founded in perfection, Shaolin Laiyue original was found that the narrow streets of Guangzhou City, less than the northern city of wide, while the Shaolin martial arts, Longbridge Malaysia, only the power of the majority of the space to play, but a case of Guangzhou, the alleys, you can not display; so , then with the perfection Qicuo, improved short-bridge Hung Ga, so that a set of boxing stances, not within the four brick, but very strong mass destruction; for the house of perfection in less Linyong Chun demonstrate their boxing skills, improved The so called Wing Chun boxing boxing skills; another said, perfection, after creating the fist, the wife of Fang Yongchun Shaolin pass, then opened to promote Wing Chun, Wing Chun, it said.
Legend II, to Red Boat had three good places (5), the Shaolin martial arts stick his secrets at half past six, as to avoid official attention, it is not called Most of the classes, all martial arts kung fu studio side, better is born out of the Shaolin school; troupe in the bone-setting medicine is out of the Shaolin Temple esoteric martial arts, but also irrigation round of the anti Fuming thoughts. Qing Dynasty, actor subject to discrimination, the so-called soon sprout leaves the spit. to the Dynasty, Foshan, two special performances Liwen Mao flower color Operas rich nation, such as: , and together with the class actor but also by his infection. Daoguang three years (1852) Taiping Heavenly King Hong Tamura in the uprising Guiping County, Guangdong, Nanhai, Foshan county cop on and Taupo Chen presided over the temple to two Jiegan echoed the monk. followed, Liwen Mao Foshan Qionghua Hall led all children to participate in opera. This is the actor's own first time since the revolution.
Rebellion in Foshan, Guangzhou, Rebel attack immediately, due to solid walls, can not fall; Liwen Mao led the class in the actor more than twenty, wearing a fully loaded show, by a rainy night attack, killing a lot of bowls, but failed to cut open gates, without success, but also enough to allow both the cold of the Qing heart guts . Taiping death reported demise of actor many casualties, Yue Ling Qing anger in revolt, he ordered the dissolution of Guangdong classes, banned opera, complex will Qionghua Hall burned. later years, Beijing and Guangdong class by class name, surreptitiously speech Cantonese opera, which handed down; until Tongzhi seven years (1869), Cantonese opera may only lift the ban, one that for too Lawyers Liu Huadong (6) to come forward and clear the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi seolin before allowing resumption of opera, one that due to see Guangdong and Guangxi and Guangdong Governor seolin mother Ling Hua Dan hook nose when playing a chapter, looks exactly like the death of their daughter, then allowed to resume opera. So Yue Ling reconstruction opera, the original Japanese Center have been destroyed, so the reconstruction of clubs in the sand, the name Artists Association.
Shaolin Temple and the red boat, although the close relationship such as the promise, but the theme of martial arts is simply to do with this unique, Lau Kar Leung's The first few sentences of five verses have this: also dictates the political atmosphere in the Qing Dynasty mm Tongzhi period (1862-1874), the national martial arts style reached its climax. the mid Qing internal and external situation desolate; internal problems are, people do change after another mm Taiping debilitating; foreign patients in China with foreign powers against imperialism and plunder. people would have a hope in the martial arts of psychology, negative thoughts is to self-defense martial arts, martial arts a positive idea is to power. civil case, the royal family, too, even the Emperor Tongzhi also from a large martial arts school days in Zhili's books, ad hoc The Five Boxing: Hong (Xi Officer), Liu (three eyes), Choi (Alberta), Li (Bashan) and Mo (Qing Jiao), male INSPEC Guangdong. five camp, there are various types of martial arts leg, can be said to Huang Cheng Ke, Su Hei Hu, Huang Qi Ying, Li Ren Chao, True Legend, Once Upon a Time, the three iron bridge, iron refers to Chen, Tanji He, the essence of the martial arts in their studies, live on their own novel Tongqian Jin, Li nylon, Xie Yafu, Liangya Song, Fang Xiaoyu, Fang Meiyu) Ten Tigers of Guangdong, in the atmosphere of that time, one made a move, is finish the wind flow, has changed the living legend.
The Boxer chaos, Boxer Rebellion into Beijing, the guns get stick, sorcerers cast of activities, closure of all the martial arts hall, boxer and person in charge of the arrest, some exiled, some killed, once used to be taboo, the more old boxing Yong affair live in the hearts, the legend in the memories of the people more of a myth .
the ambition to want to figure out a Series of Shaolin, but not enough data yet finishing Moreover, the photograph of the legendary martial arts figure to come to nothing more than a dozen of the following:
flowers County, Guangdong Province. Shaolin ancestors are said to Chongzhen fifteenth child King of Liang ZHU Wen-zhong, ZHU Wen-zhong as to avoid the eyes and ears of the Qing court, surname Hung, to commemorate the Zu Hongwu emperor. burned the Shaolin Temple, the Shaolin been fortunate to survive a few one. Some say he south to Guangdong, Hong stealth ship, to continue its anti-Fuming ambition, after several escape the imperial hunting bird dog, hidden flower County, married his wife Liu Yingchun, Ding-Hong birth to son, painstakingly training technology, determined to revenge, after the close Luo Xiaojuan, Zhou Renjie, Hu Yabiao (Huhui dry son) as the disciples, after the death of Liu Yingchun, continued to marry the niece Fangyong Chun Fong Sai Yuk wife, a few LIN Quan, tiger crane double form of boxing, etc. . legend, Shaolin live to ninety-year-old (early years when the dynasty), under the unsuspecting, to plot against a teenage girl to death phoenix boxing. In addition to fine fist, the re good at Shaolin stick work. < br> Fong Sai Yuk
Zhaoqing people. patronymic Fang, doing silk business, Lee's wife, gave birth to two sons, a long name Xiao Yu, times were jade (which follow the Zen master of science and technology over perfection) ; later Fang continued to sixty old daughter to marry Miao Miao Cuihua mm seedlings were significantly Songshan Shaolin in the fire after they anonymity, trafficking in salt for the industry, back and forth. Miaocui Hua Fong Sai will be born. Fong Sai Yuk and his two brothers in age, at least a difference of two years. Miaocui Hua father learned a good skill, times with the bamboo stick iron, for tie layers, so the whole body joints Jinluoring flesh and blood, a solid such as iron, brought up to the age of three hard training, wearing iron hats and legs with iron boots leap year-old Zama Step hh , seven open fist, buried ten-year-old Zhuang column hh, versatile, pieces Jietong, mighty, whole body muscle explicit disk, a solid such as iron, temperament and strong, designed to fight injustice. die earlier, have said he died of fire Jiulian Mountain Shaolin or after death is believed to be twenty years old in the process. In addition to master fist, but good at the flower knife.
Fang Yongchun
Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province people. Fong Sai Yuk The niece, the elder brother by Shiyu older than he for almost two decades, Fang Yongchun age, probably about Fong Sai Yuk. also known as Wing Chun San Niang, he joined the perfection of learning Wing Chun Quan (but Some said Yanyong Chun Wing Chun is not Fangyong Chun ancestor), married after the Shaolin. legends, Fang Yongchun understand Crane boxing, Shaolin boxing in their own tiger crane fist with the combination of the Wing Chun San Niang, create a form of boxing. boxing camp anecdotes of, another legend. original, Fujian Shaolin was destroyed, the lay disciple Hui Fang Shi escaped, hidden sand Fuzhou Lotus Temple, the flat body to do what they have learned the daughter Fang Qiniang granted, a Japanese concept of crane Qiniang And realize White Crane. Qiniang was a monk, No. Wing Chun. Fangyong Chun, Fang Qiniang, what is the Trinity Wing Chun nun, or someone else, have no ascertained by.
Huhui dry
Guangdong will be people. his father in the West off small shops in the vicinity of nylon Church, to the engine room villains beaten to death. Huhui dry is a frail man, scholar, bear beaten, seriously injured, as Fong Sai rescued and brought to the Shaolin Temple Mount Jiulian learning skills. Qi Hu Hui dry material under division, and beat Wooden Men Lane, stolen from the gutter, back to the provincial capital to avenge his father, a direct result of two schools of Wudang Shaolin fights. Huhui dry and three German monks to establish a base in the provincial capital Xi Chansi, and with the Wu-Tang Clan Lo's (7) against. Huhui dry knew the situation was dangerous, the son of Hu Yabiao Tuogu Shaolin, and finally died Xi Chansi. Hu to Huaquan known.
generic Liuyu De Sande, Guangdong Huiyang people . father Zhuang tea business in Guangzhou. shop located in the two-door bottom number, the Department for its settlement of the guys, they usually bully, evil. Liuyu De, the Qing Emperor Yongzheng Dynasty, sixteen years party, prime good martial arts, trained the power of arms, four pounds, who is known as the iron arm, and later killed because of its warriors, delivery track Buddhism, thanks goodness for the division, Farmington three virtues. After three German monk and technological achievements, in Guangzhou, Xi Chansi establishment of anti-Fuming base, and finally exterminated by Wudang and the Qing, and three have died Xi Chansi German monk. Three big German monk body, scouring a Buddhist monk's staff six pounds weight of iron.
Tong Qianjin
Guangdong Hakka. Shaolin stole less than teachers, Miss A mining camp perfection kill it. Miss A mining was spared. Tongqian Jin Xi Chansi surrendered three German monk, killed Wudang Lee Bashan, but Li ring for the plot against women died. Another said, Tongqian Jin Xi Chansi was killed. good at the extremely heavy fall.
Xieya Fu
Nanhai, Guangdong Province. childhood into the Fujian Shaolin Temple martial arts, thanks to perfection as Teachers, technology down into a few setbacks enemies, the reputation of highly visible, few people at that time known as JJ. Shaolin Temple not only destroyed large-scale search for remnants of the Qing, Xie Yafu anonymity, cast the first pot of red ship any cheap labor (8). Even so, Xie Yafu lackey still worried by the court recognized, for the physical appearance variation, then a lot of opium, so beyond recognition, their last legs. good at the mandarin duck pair of iron.
Tsuishine Qi
Guangzhou, Guangdong people. the original Ming Linya six The annual three p.m. in the rice store any Tsuishine apprentices, tall body, brawn rather male, can be asked five or six pounds on his shoulders, walking long distances. This man is very high as food intake, drinking three or four pounds each meal, eat the top ten bowl, still wantonly wantonly if not enough, often that ever, eaten a meal fed a bad idea. the owner of suffering, be dismissed, and Tsuishine six of food intake, has long been the whole town, no one dared to employ, Tsuishine six will be down and out street, no means of living, meditation, Buddhism human, more caring person charity, and even the Sea Temple at Henan monks seeking resettlement in case of any servant Tam (9), abbot of the temple by a monk, scared of their god, but unfortunately it did not come to know martial art, it recommended in Zen perfection. man of fierce temper, learning technology six years, he wanted down the mountain, playing wooden men's lane, the parry free, only to suddenly cramps right foot, and nearly died of wooden men rod, SOS rescue. Tsuishine Six down eager, they learn Huhui dry, drill drains away. refuge Xi Chansi three German monk. with a pair of the first known iron fist.
stationed in Guangdong Lu A mining
Banners. Immature mourning parents, according Zushu as live. tert case of abuse, food and clothing were missing. A mining of suffering, the other party for the commission quietly escape, the only twelve years old, Lingding lonely, difficult blazing, one day was watching the magic show and met a different monk (a Libo Fu Shaolin brother said), apprentice years of science and technology, recommended in different Monk, investment Jiulian Mountain Shaolin martial arts with perfection. burned the Shaolin Temple, the multi-escape, hidden in Guangzhou, the father of Wong Fei Huang Qi received the British as Christians, then exit the martial arts, ranking Else Hillside Garden, to medicine, talk about martial. A mining Laobing Si at home, enjoy life Sixty-eight, his life had granted only an apprentice, that is, Qi Ying Huang. Huaquan skilled in his life, there was Hua Quan Lu A known mining.
Nanhai Huang Qi Ying
Xiqiao people. came from a vend technology Jie Qu, entertainer survival, a day before the Department of General in the desert town of Guangdong to sell arms. MISS A Caigang clever scene and saw good timber, they accept him as a disciple. Qi English teacher was the years have lent their art is incredible. followed by town, Guangdong, General military attack and coach his troops, suffered minimal salaries, monthly income earners, only three hundred twenty-six money Silver, Hu can support their families, is located in the grass Jingyuan Street, pharmacy, there were of thin to fill the gap. Qi Ying to his life have learned to son Wong Fei-hung (in martial arts, the Once Upon a Time is the most the name of the person). Once Upon a re-transmission of Lam Sai Wing, Leung width.
True Legend
name the Su, Hunan. proficient sticks, loved casual elegant living, has worked with sister entertainer, living in Guangdong. Trinity Club was set up in Guangzhou City Museum to teach apprentices.
Iron Bridge III (1813 -1886 years)
name the beam-kun, Nanhai, Guangdong County, there is Hong Quan Masters said. came from a hand-held gold thanks to Shaolin * Li beard as a teacher, his life a good learning boxing skills, visit the country, swords and friends, and worked hard Shaolin martial arts, trained in the bridge hand, such as iron. a young age is addicted to weapons, searching everywhere teacher. Hung was the opportunity to meet boxing giant, felt the Shaolin Temple in Putian, Fujian by monks, is admired for his martial arts, then thanks to its as a teacher, into the Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain Buddhist Temple in their hair cultivation. in the temple Arts seven years to get sleep because of the careful teaching, doing one's best his teacher it completely, as the incoming Hong Quan, a representative of Guangdong after the good dealings with the Buddhists, the Rainbow Bridge in Guangzhou teach Guangchang beam cloth factory, technology press parties boxing Yong, reputation boosted. born in the Qing Jiaqing years, two world wen Li Xianfeng, died Guangxu twelve to three years. iron bridge of three, died, arose in the sea temple buildings with the monks to practice thirty six round brass ring of light stick, overwork, three due to the iron bridge A Hibiscus transvestites stained, round to ordering the cessation of light monk, three from the iron bridge, determined to abstain, and worked hard stick work, but the eldest was old, very physical, disease Ercu, enjoy life the age of seventy.
Iron Bridge Three: word of mouth in the chivalrous
said the film true, then the ability to understand Miss Gong Li is flat. She did not know this area in the Chinese martial arts, kicking kung fu martial arts are merely a matter of fact, is the cultural core chivalrous spirit. Of course, Zhang Yimou is the chivalrous spirit of the film came out, It is ...